Biblical Foundations, Method, and Practice



Theology Is for Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method, and Practice

Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology

Copyright 2021 Chase R. Kuhn & Paul Grimmond

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225

You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are the author’s own translation or are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Print ISBN 9781683594598

Digital ISBN 978-1683594604

Library of Congress Control Number 2020951822

Lexham Editorial: Todd Hains, Jake Raabe, Erin Mangum, Jessi Strong

Cover Design: Brittany Schrock

For our students

past, present, & future

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,

a worker who has no need to be ashamed,

rightly handling the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15 esv




Chase R. Kuhn and Paul Grimmond


Part 1: Foundations

1. Theology for Preaching, Preaching for Theology

Chase R. Kuhn

2. The Declarative God: Toward a Theological Description of Preaching

Mark D. Thompson

3. “Preaching”: Toward Lexical Clarity for Better Practice

Claire S. Smith

4. Preaching and Revelation: Is the Sermon the Word of God?

Timothy Ward

5. Who Can Tell? Preaching, Giftedness, and Commissioning

Christopher Ash

Part 2: Methodology

6. Hermeneutics and Preaching: Theological Interpretation and the Preaching Task

David I. Starling

7. To Them, for Us: The Bible’s Continuing Relevance

Paul R. House

8. Old Testament Challenges: Christocentric or Christotelic Sermons?

Daniel Y. Wu

9. New Testament Clarity: The Presence of Christ in the Proclamation of the Word

Peter Orr

10. The Centrality of the Cross in Proclamation

Will N. Timmins

11. Expository Preaching in Historical Context: A Rich and Inspiring Resource

Peter Adam

12. The Preacher as Person: Personality and Relationships in the Pulpit

Graham Beynon

Part 3: Theology for Preaching

13. Salvation by Preaching Alone? The Sermon in Soteriology

Edward Loane

14. Sanctified by Word & Spirit: A Theology of Application

Andrew M. Leslie

15. Now is the Time to Preach: Preaching in Eschatological Context

Peter F. Jensen

16. The Priority of Proclamation: Preaching in a Liturgical Context

David G. Peterson

Part 4: Preaching for Theology

17. Theological Formation Through the Preached Word: A Biblical-Theological Account

Simon Gillham

18. The People Who Listen: The Corporate Task of Hearing God’s Word

Jane Tooher

19. Letting the Word Do the Work: A Constructive Account of Expositional Preaching

Paul Grimmond

Part 5: Theology Preached...

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About Theology Is for Preaching: Biblical Foundations, Method, and Practice

Is it right to “just preach the text”?

Why do we preach and do theology? How do we relate them? And how do they relate to God’s word?

Theology Is for Preaching helps preachers with theology and theologians with preaching. Though diverse in contexts and disciplines, the contributors share a commitment to equipping the saints to “rightly handle the word of truth.” Through essays on foundations, methods, employing theology for preaching, and preaching for theology, this volume will equip preachers and theologians to engage deeply with the text of the Bible and communicate its meaning with clarity.

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Table of Contents