the anchor yale bible reference library

Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls

James H. Charlesworth

with internationally

renowned experts

the anchor yale bible

Yale University Press

New Haven & London

The Anchor Bible Reference Library

published by doubleday

a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.

1540 Broadway, New York, New York 10036

The Anchor Bible Reference Library, Doubleday, and the portrayal

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Book design by Patrice Fodero

The Library of Congress has cataloged the

Anchor Bible Reference Library hardcover edition as follows:

Charlesworth, James H.

Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls/James H. Charlesworth,

with internationally renowned experts.

p. cm.—(The Anchor Bible reference library)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Jesus Christ—Person and offices. 2. Dead Sea Scrolls—Criticism, interpretation, etc. I. Title. II. Series.

BT205.C43 1992

232—dc20 92-2617


ISBN: 978-0-300-14017-0

Copyright © 1992 by James H. Charlesworth

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to my mentors

in Qumran Research

Pierre Benoit

Frank Moore Cross

David Noel Freedman

James A. Sanders

John Strugnell

Shemaryahu Talmon

Roland de Vaux


List of Maps and Diagrams

List of Illustrations




Foreword: Qumran Scrolls and a Critical Consensus

1 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Historical Jesus

James H. Charlesworth

2 Jesus and the Temple Scroll

Otto Betz

3 Membership in the Covenant People at Qumran and in the Teaching of Jesus

Howard C. Kee

4 Recovering Jesus’ Formative Background

Paolo Sacchi

5 Jesus as “Son” and the Righteous Teacher as “Gardener”

James H. Charlesworth

6 The Parable of the Unjust Steward: Jesus’ Criticism of the Essenes

David Flusser

7 Jesus, the Primitive Community, and the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem

Rainer Riesner

8 Opposition to the Temple: Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Craig A. Evans

9 Jesus, Table-Fellowship, and Qumran

James D. G. Dunn

10 CRUCIFIXION: Archaeology, Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Joe Zias and James H. Charlesworth

11 Two Ascended to Heaven—Jesus and the Author of 4Q491

Morton Smith

12 The Risen Christ and the Angelic Mediator Figures in Light of Qumran

Alan F. Segal

Selected Bibliography

Index of Scriptures Cited

Index of Dead Sea Scrolls Cited

Index of Other Ancient Writings Cited

Index of Modern Authors

List of Maps and Diagrams

1 Jerusalem: alleged Essene Quarter

2 Location of Qumran caves [David Lind and Frank Blissard]

3 Drawing of the Qumran ruins [David Lind with Frank Blissard]

4 Artist’s rendering of Qumran community [David Lind with Frank Blissard]

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About Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: With Internationally Renowned Experts

In Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, leading experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls explain why they are among the most important archaeological finds in history, and explore how they have revolutionized our understanding of Jesus. The contents of this volume include:

• The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Historical Jesus, James H. Charlesworth

• Jesus and the Temple Scroll, Otto Betz

• Membership in the Covenant People at Qumran and in the Teaching of Jesus, Howard C. Kee

• Recovering Jesus’ Formative Background, Paolo Sacchi

• Jesus as “Son” and the Righteous Teacher as “Gardener,” James H. Charlesworth

• The Parable of the Unjust Steward: Jesus’ Criticism of the Essenes

• David Flusser

• Jesus, the Primitive Community, and the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem, Rainer Riesner

• Opposition to the Temple: Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Craig A. Evans

• Jesus, Table-Fellowship, and Qumran, James D.G. Dunn

• Crucifixion: Archaeology, Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Joe Zias and James H. Charlesworth

• Two Ascended to Heaven, Morton Smith

• The Risen Christ and the Angelic Mediator Figures in the Light of Qumran, Alan F. Segal

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Table of Contents