Introduction to Christianity
Translated by J. R. Foster
With a New Preface
Translated by Michael J. Miller
communio books
ignatius press • san francisco
Einführung in das Christentum
© 1968 by Kösel-Verlag GmbH, Munich
English translation © 1969 by Burns and Oates, Ltd.
New with ecclesiastical approval
German edition, published with a new preface, 2000
Diptych: Adoration of the Magi and The Crucifixion.
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, Italy
Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Cover design by Riz Boncan Marsella
Revisions to the English edition and Preface
© 1990 © 2004 Ignatius Press, San Francisco
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-1-58617-029-5
Library of Congress Control Number 2004103523
in freising, bonn, münster
and tübingen
introduction: “i believe—amen”
I. Belief in the World of Today
1. Doubt and belief—Man’s situation before the question of God
2. The origin of belief—Provisional attempt at a definition of belief
3. The dilemma of belief in the world of today
4. The boundary of the modern understanding of reality and the place of belief
5. Faith as standing firm and understanding
II. The Ecclesiastical Form of Faith
1. Introductory remarks on the history and structure of the Apostles’ Creed
2. Limits and meaning of the text
4. The Creed as expression of the structure of faith
I. Prolegomena to the Subject of God
2. The profession of faith in the one God
II. The Biblical Belief in God
1. The problem of the story of the burning bush
2. The intrinsic assumption of the belief in Yahweh: The God of [Israel’s] fathers
3. Yahweh, the “God of our Fathers” and the God of Jesus Christ
5. The two sides of the biblical concept of God
III. The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers
1. The decision of the early Church in favor of philosophy
2. The transformation of the God of the philosophers
3. The reflection of the question in the text of the Creed
I. “I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord”
A. the problem of faith in jesus today
B. jesus the christ: the basic form of the christological profession of faith
1. The dilemma of modern theology: Jesus or Christ?
2. The Creed’s image of Christ
3. The point of departure of faith in Jesus: The Cross
C. jesus christ—true god and true man
1. The formulation of the question
2. A modern stock idea of the “historical Jesus”
3. The claim of christological dogma
D. the different paths taken by christology
1. Theology of the Incarnation and theology of the Cross
About Introduction to Christianity (Revised Edition)One of Cardinal Ratzinger's most important and widely read books, this volume is a revised second edition with an improved translation and an in-depth twenty page preface by the Cardinal. As he states in the preface, since this book was first published over 30 years ago, many changes and significant events have occurred in the world, and in the church. But even so, he says he is firmly convinced that his fundamental approach in this book is still very timely and crucial for the spiritual needs of modern man. That approach puts the question of God and the question about Christ in the very center, which leads to a "narrative Christology" and demonstrates that the place for faith is in the church. Thus, this remarkable elucidation of the Apostles' Creed gives an excellent, modern interpretation of the foundations of Christianity. Ratzinger's profound treatment of Christianity's basic truths combines a spiritual outlook with a deep knowledge of Scripture and the history of theology. |
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