pastor of the first baptist church, new orleans
31 north sixth street
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by the
american baptist publication society,
in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States in and
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
king and baird, printers,
No. 9 George Street.
The Author of the following pages lays no claim to skill in the apologetic art, and is therefore happy that its exercise is not required on the present occasion.
The volume now offered to the public has been urgently demanded. This demand has been made by the people of his charge; to whom, under Christ (and to whom alone), he owes spiritual obedience. It has been also urged by his brethren in the ministry by whom he is surrounded—primitive episcopi; primitive in the extent of their labors, the simplicity of their living, and the devotedness of their sacrifices—and to them he offers these pages as the best proof of his high esteem and fraternal affection.
The Author is aware that the impression exists in the minds of some of his brethren, that the baptismal question has been adequately discussed, and is, in all its important evidences and bearings, well understood by the members of our denomination generally. He apprehends, however, that this impression is not well founded. The learned works of those venerable men concerning whom we have to say, “The fathers, where are they?” testify to the enlightened and laborious zeal of a former age. These valuable works are, however, in possession of very few; it is long since they have been reprinted; nor have any volumes been issued, calculated to supply their place in the polemic literature of the denomination. They are, indeed, too voluminous and expensive for general circulation. It is the design of the present volume to place within the reach of every member of our denomination, and of every inquirer after truth, in a condensed form, and with a lucid arrangement, the information which the treatises of those able advocates of the truth contain, as well as to diffuse abroad the important additional light which recent investigations have thrown on this interesting branch of ecclesiastical history.
In numerous local contests very valuable Sermons and Replies have issued from the press; as the productions of his highly esteemed brethren, Rev. W. F. Broaddus* and Rev. R. B. C. Howell, D.D.,† and of many others with whom the Author has not the pleasure to be personally acquainted, testify. The following pages will show that the author has not been unmindful of the acute and talented Replies of Prof. Henry J. Ripley, and the late Rev. Willard Judd. Nor would he omit to mention the admirable tract of Pengilly, which has been extensively circulated. The reasons for their change of sentiments given to the public by those ...
About A History of Baptism, from Inspired and Uninspired WritingsUnlike many other volumes on baptism, this book not only presents a linguistic, historical, and biblical examination of baptism, but also offers a discussion of the proper methodology and application of linguistic and historical study on this issue. |
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