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Max Anders


Kendell H. Easley

Nashville, Tennessee

Holman New Testament Commentary

© 1998 Broadman & Holman Publishers

Nashville, Tennessee

All rights reserved

ISBN 978-0-8054-0212-4

Dewey Decimal Classification 228.07

Subject Heading: BIBLE. N. T. REVELATION

Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 98-48094

Unless otherwise stated all Scripture citation is from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society.

Easley, Kendell H., 1949–

Revelation / by Kendell Easley.

p. cm.—(Holman New Testament commentary)

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 0-8054-0212-8 (alk. paper)

1. Bible. N. T. Revelation—Commentaries. I. Title. II. Series

BS2825.3.E37 1999 98-48094

228′.077—dc21 CIP


Editorial Preface

Author’s Preface

Introduction to Revelation

Revelation 1

Jesus Among His Churches

Revelation 2

Four Letters to Hurting Churches

Revelation 3

Three More Letters to Hurting Churches

Revelation 4

Heaven’s Throne Room

Revelation 5

The Lamb and the Scroll

Revelation 6

Four Terrible Horsemen

Revelation 7

God’s People Sealed

Revelation 8

Four Judgment Trumpets Blown

Revelation 9

Two Demonic Plagues

Revelation 10

An Angel with a Scroll

Revelation 11

Witnesses Who Prophesy

Revelation 12

Drama of the Ages

Revelation 13

Water Monster and Earth Monster

Revelation 14

Harvest and Vintage

Revelation 15

The Final Exodus

Revelation 16

Operation Armageddon

Revelation 17

Earth’s Last Great City

Revelation 18

Funeral for the Queen City

Revelation 19

Hallelujah to the Arriving King

Revelation 20

Martyrs’ Reward and Final Judgment

Revelation 21

The Bride City’s Glory

Revelation 22

Jesus Is Coming Soon


For Further Study

Detailed Outline the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Editorial Preface

Today’s church hungers for Bible teaching and Bible teachers hunger for resources to guide them in teaching God’s Word. The Holman New Testament Commentary provides the church with the food to feed the spiritually hungry in an easily digestible format. The result: new spiritual vitality that the church can readily use.

Bible teaching should result in new interest in the Scriptures, expanded Bible knowledge, discovery of specific Scriptural principles, relevant applications, and exciting living. The unique format of the Holman New Testament Commentary includes sections to achieve these results for every New Testament book.

Opening quotations from some of the church’s best writers lead to an introductory illustration and discussion that draw individuals and study groups into the Word of God. “In a Nutshell” summarizes the content and teaching of the chapter. Verse-by-verse ...

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About Revelation

Dr. Easley has written a helpful commentary on the enigmatic Revelation. Written at a time of terrible persecution for the Christians, John sought to encourage and yet challenge them. Jesus has specific things to say to seven churches, and they are applicable to us today. John encrypts his words in imagery that is borrowed from Old Testament books like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Zechariah. He covers important doctrinal themes like the second coming of Jesus and the wrath of God against evil, and practical themes like God’s protection of His people and the repentance from static Christian maturity. Easley also discusses the different millennial views that have become prevalent in the church today.

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Table of Contents