THE END of the WORLD as You Know It

what the bible really says about the end times (and why it’s good news)


The End of the World as You Know It:

What the Bible Really Says about the End Times (And Why It’s Good News)

Copyright 2023 Matthew L. Halsted

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225

You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, quotations from the Septuagint are from The Lexham English Septuagint (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).

Print ISBN 9781683597124

Digital ISBN 9781683597131

Library of Congress Control Number 2023938802

Lexham Editorial: Elliot Ritzema, Mandi Newell

Cover Design: Joshua Hunt

To my amazing children: Isaac, Gracie, Hannah, Simon




1 Are We in the End Times?

2 How Should We Understand Revelation?

3 What Is the Mark of the Beast?

4 Will Christians Be Raptured?

5 Is There a Coming Time of Tribulation?

6 How Can We Know When Jesus Will Return?

7 What Can We Know about the Antichrist?

Conclusion: What Now?



Subject Index

Scripture Index


AB The Anchor Bible

Ant. Jewish Antiquities. Josephus: The Complete Works. Translated by William Whiston. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998.

BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research

BCL Bohn’s Classical Library

BECNT Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly

COQG Christian Origins and the Question of God

DBT Discovering Biblical Texts

Dom. Suetonius, Domitianus

ECNT Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

J.W. Jewish Wars. Josephus: The Complete Works. Translated by William Whiston. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998.

LCL Loeb Classical Library

LXX Septuagint

NCBC The New Cambridge Bible Commentary

NIB New Interpreter’s Bible

NIBC New International Biblical Commentary

NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament

NIGTC New International Greek Testament Commentary

NIVAC New International Version Application Commentary

NTM New Testament Monographs

NTS New Testament Studies

NTT New Testament Theology

ONTC Osborne New Testament Commentaries

OTP The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Edited by James H. Charlesworth. 2 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1983.

Pan. Pliny, Panegyricus

PNTC Pillar New Testament Commentary

TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Edited by Gerhard Kittel and Gerhard Friedrich. Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. 10 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964–1976.

WBC Word Biblical Commentary

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About The End of the World as You Know It: What the Bible Really Says about the End Times (And Why It’s Good News)

Thinking about the end times isn’t supposed to terrify you

Christians rightly turn to the Bible to make sense of our times. But so often we get the wrong answers because we ask the wrong questions.

In The End of the World as You Know It, Matthew L. Halsted challenges common end-times assumptions and points us back to Scripture. Each chapter reevaluates a popular question in light of the Bible’s own concerns: Will Christians be raptured? What is the mark of the beast? When we let Scripture direct our questions, we get better—and more hopeful—answers.

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