The Country Parson, The Temple
paulist press
new york • mahwah
The artist, WILL HARMUTH, is a professional artist and illustrator who lives in Bernardsville, New Jersey. A graduate of Newark School of Fine/Industrial Arts, Mr. Harmuth attended the Arts Students League. In his rendition of Herbert he attempted to convey the man’s “intensity and depth, along with the flavor of early seventeenth-century England.”
Publisher’s Note:
The spacing of the stanzas of poetry in this edition differs at times from that of the 1633 edition of Herbert’s works.
Design: Barbini, Pesce & Noble, Inc.
Copyright © 1981 by Paulist Press, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number: 81-80287
ISBN: 0-8091-2298-7
Published by Paulist Press
997 Macarthur Boulevard
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
A Library of the Great Spiritual Masters
President and Publisher
Kevin A. Lynch, C.S.P.
Richard J. Payne
Associate Editor
John Farina
Editorial Consultant
Ewert H. Cousins—Professor and Director of Spirituality Graduate Program, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y.
John E. Booty—Professor of Church History, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass.
Joseph Dan—Professor of Kaballah in the Department of Jewish Thought, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
Albert Deblaere—Professor of the History of Spirituality, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
Louis Dupré—T.L. Riggs Professor in Philosophy of Religion, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Rozanne Elder—Executive Vice President, Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mircea Eliade—Professor in the Department of the History of Religions, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Anne Fremantle—Teacher, Editor and Writer, New York, N.Y.
Karlfried Froelich—Professor of the History of the Early and Medieval Church, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
Arthur Green—Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Thought, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Stanley S. Harakas—Dean of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, Brookline, Mass.
Jean Leclercq—Professor, Institute of Spirituality and Institute of Religious Psychology, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
Miguel León-Portilla—Professor Mesoamerican Cultures and Languages, National University of Mexico, University City, Mexico.
George A. Maloney, S.J.—Director, John XXIII Ecumenical Center, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y.
Bernard McGinn—Associate Professor of Historical Theology and History of Christianity, University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago, Ill.
John Meyendorff—Professor of Church History, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., and Professor ...
About The Country Parson, The TempleGeorge Herbert (1593–1633) was an Anglican priest, poet and essayist truly one of the most profound spiritual masters in the English tradition. His spirituality was a synthesis of Evangelical and Catholic piety. |
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