The Gospel in Genesis
From Fig Leaves to Faith
D Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Copyright © 2009 by Elizabeth Catherwood and Ann Beatt
Published by Crossway Books
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers
Wheaton, Illinois 60187, U.S.A.
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This edition published by Day One Publications © 2010
Reprinted 2012
ISBN 978-1-84625-137-5
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Authorized (King James) Version (AV), Crown copyright
All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added by the author.
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Cover design by Wayne McMaster
6 The Cherubim and the Flaming Sword
The message of the Bible
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1
I call your attention to Genesis 3 in order that we may consider together the essential message of this book that we call the Bible. In various ways we have felt the need to do so and have felt it to be right.
We are all conscious of problems in this world—problems in our own personal lives and in the world at large. There is no such thing as complete and perfect happiness. No one is without difficulties. Everyone knows what it is to be weary, to be disappointed, and to struggle. We find conflict within ourselves. We find conflict round and about us. That is the experience of every human being. There is always a fly in the ointment. There is no such thing as unmixed pleasure. We have all discovered—and no matter how young we are, we have discovered this—that life does involve us in difficulties, in problematical situations. And we have a feeling that we were not meant for this. We do not like it; we want to be delivered from it. That is ultimately the cause of all quests in the lives of men and women. We are all searching for some solution to the problems of life. There are difficulties; there are such things as heart searchings and disappointments; we are all somehow or other seeking for some way out of some impasse.
We are face-to-face, then, with tribulation and trial, with wretchedness and unhappiness, ...
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About The Gospel in Genesis: From Fig Leaves to FaithIf you’ve ever asked, “Why am I the way that I am? Why is life so hard? Is there any hope?” you’ll find answers in Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ study of Genesis. In this series of sermons, beloved teacher Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks readers through the early chapters of Genesis. The Gospel in Genesis starts with the fall of man and ends with the call of Abram as it examines portions of chapters 3–12. Along the way, Lloyd-Jones talks of serpents and sin, the Word of God, and the Babel of man. But the destination of The Gospel in Genesis is clear: readers will be moved from fig leaves in the garden to faith in the Gospel. Thus Lloyd-Jones preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the pages of Genesis. These nine sermons will embolden believers to share the only Gospel that offers answers to life’s biggest questions. |
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