st gregory of nazianzus

On God and Christ

The Five Theological Orations

and Two Letters to Cledonius

The Five Theological Orations (Orations 27–31) translated into English by Frederick Williams (Oration 27) and Lionel Wickham (Orations 28–31) with Introduction and Notes by Lionel Wickham

The Two Letters to Cledonius (Letters 101 and 102) translated into English by Lionel Wickham with Introduction and Notes by Lionel Wickham

st vladimir’s seminary press

crestwood, new york 10707


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint.

[Theological orations. English]

On God and Christ: the five theological orations and two letters to Cledonius / St. Gregory of Nazianzus; translated by Frederick Williams and Lionel Wickham; with introduction and notes by Lionel Wickham.

p. cm.—(St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press “popular patristics” series)

Includes bibliographical references (p.).

ISBN 0-88141-240-6

1. Trinity—Early works to 1800. 2. God—Knowableness—Early works to 1800. 3. Arianism—Controversial literature—Early works to 1800. 4. Pneumatomachi—Controversial literature—Early works to 1800. I. Williams, Frederick (Frederick J.). II. Wickham, Lionel R. III. Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint. Correspondence. English. Selections. IV. Title. V. Series.

BR65.G62 E5 2002



copyright © 2002

st vladimir’s seminary press

575 Scarsdale Rd., Crestwood, NY 10707


ISBN 0-88141-240-6

All Rights Reserved

st vladimir’s seminary press

Popular Patristics Series


John Behr



Gregory of Nazianzus: An Introduction for the Reader

Career and Personality: A Brief Sketch

Background in Historical Theology to the Five Orations

Reading the Five Orations: Some Points of Reference

The First Theological Oration (Oration 27)

An Introductory Sermon against the Eunomians

The Second Theological Oration (Oration 28)

On the Doctrine of God

The Third Theological Oration (Oration 29)

On the Son

The Fourth Theological Oration (Oration 30)

On the Son

The Fifth Theological Oration (Oration 31)

On the Holy Spirit

The Two Letters to Cledonius (Letters 101 and 102): An Introduction

The Background

A Guide by Way of Summary to the Two Letters

Letter 101

Letter 102

Select Bibliography


The present translation of the Orations was made by Fred Williams, now professor at The Queen’s University Belfast, and myself, when we were lecturers at Southampton University in the seventies, he in classics, and I in theology. He was responsible for the translation of the first Oration, I for the rest. It was made for the use of students of Church history as part of an introduction to Christian doctrine of the patristic period. Subsequently Fred Norris, of Emmanuel School of Religion, took it up as a basis for his extensive commentary on these orations, Faith Gives Fullness to Reasoning. I am grateful to Professor Norris and his publishers, E.J. Brill of Leiden and New York, for agreeing to our republication here of the ...

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About On God and Christ: The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius

St. Gregory of Nazianzus is one of the most transparent Fathers of the Church. In these poems, he speaks of the joys and frustrations of his own life, laying bare his inner questioning about the purpose and value of life in the face of sin and mortality, and his ultimate faith in Christ as the redeemer and reconciler of all things. St. Gregory’s poetry has often been compared with St. Augustine’s Confessions—showing a peculiarly modern interest in the self. Peter Gilbert’s translations allow the reader to see that self-reflection in its theological context—offering beautiful renditions of his major doctrinal poems. Explore St. Gregory’s poems on the Trinity, creation and providence, angels and the soul, the person of Christ, and human nature. This volume also includes poems debating the Christian understanding of marriage and virginity.

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Table of Contents