Forgiven |
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Forgiving |
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Jay Adams |
Calvary Press
Box 805, Amityville, NY 11701
1–800–789–8175 /
ISBN: 1–879737-12–4
Cover Design: Anthony Rotolo
Publisher’s Special Thanks to:
Pastor Dave Dykstra and Jean Horjus of Monroe Bible Chapel in Franklin, New Jersey who greatly encouraged us to republish this very helpful book, and to the author Dr. Jay Adams for his gracious permission to do so.
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from The Christian Counselor’s New Testament by Jay E. Adams, ©1977 by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. Other quotations are from The Modern Language Bible: The Berkeley Version in Modern English (MLB), ©1945, 1959, 1969 by Zondervan Publishing House, used by permission; and the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
© 1994, by Jay E. Adams. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
For information address Calvary Press Publishers,
Box 805, Amityville, NY 11701
4 Forgiveness after Forgiveness
6 Other Errors Concerning Forgiveness
11 Repentance, Confession, & Forgiveness
13 The Church as a Forgiving Community
15 Dangerous Shortcuts, Ploys, & Evasions
16 Forgiveness: Horizontal F3 Vertical
20 Guilt, Love, Joy, & Forgiveness
Brandon Jay
with joy and hope
At a time when the church is rediscovering the importance of forgiveness and restoration, From Forgiven to Forgiving, is a practical approach to reconciling relationships and entering into a deeper walk with the Lord.
Before we can enter into any lasting relationship with another, we must learn how to forgive since we all hurt one another. The Bible says, “forgiving one another.…” It does not simply say, “forgiving others,” but “forgiving one another.” It is a mutual cooperative venture. Not only do we need to forgive, we also need to receive forgiveness. It is the indispensable sign of a Christian.
Each of us stands daily in need of the forgiveness of God; therefore, we need to hear what God has to say to us about that. Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.” It is clear then that unless we forgive, we are not forgiven.
This is an aspect that seems to have been forgotten in our churches today. And, as forgiveness is usually a painful process, it is one that is quite often ignored.
From Forgiven to Forgiving, takes the reader through every ...
About From Forgiven to ForgivingWhat do the following statements about forgiveness have in common? ·Forgiveness is obtained through apologizing. ·The best thing you can do is "forgive and forget". ·You aren't forgiven until you feel forgiven. ·Even if someone hasn't asked for forgiveness, you can still forgive them. These statements all represent popular misconceptions about true biblical forgiveness. Because forgiveness plays such a major role in our relationships with other people, it's critical to have a clear idea of God's plan for forgiving and being forgiven. Distortions in His plan can lead to twisted thinking and further pain for those struggling with forgiveness issues. In this book, Dr. Jay Adams carefully explores all dimensions of the process of forgiveness. He can help you understand biblical forgiveness from beginning to end, and apply that understanding to everyday situations ranging from forgiving your straying spouse or prodigal child--and being forgiven by them as well. If you have experienced the incredible power of God's forgiveness in you life, read this book and see how forgiveness' power can change your life as you relate to others. |
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