Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions
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of World

General Editor:
A. Scott Moreau

Associate Editors: Harold Netland
and Charles Van Engen

Consulting Editors: David Burnett, Samuel Escobar,
Paul G. Hiebert, Peter Kuzmic,
Lois McKinney Douglas, Bong Rin Ro,
Tite Tiénou, and Chris Wright


A Division of Baker Book House Co

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516

© 2000 by A. Scott Moreau

Published by Baker Books

a division of Baker Book House Company

P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287


Paternoster Press

P.O. Box 300, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 0QS

United Kingdom

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Evangelical dictionary of world missions / general editor, A. Scott Moreau; associate editors, Harold Netland and Charles Van Engen; consulting editors, David Burnett … [et al.].

p. cm. - (Baker reference library)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-8010-2074-3 (hardcover)

1. Missions—Dictionaries. 2. Missions—Theory—Dictionaries. I. Moreau, A. Scott, 1955– II. Netland, Harold, A., 1955– III. Engen, Charles Edward Van. IV. Burnett, David, 1943– V. Series.

BV2040.E92 2000

266′.003—dc21 99-044001

British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0-85364-995-2

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in loving memory of
Harvie Conn
a colleague who encouraged, inspired, and
constantly challenged the rest of us to keep
our eyes faithfully on the eternal Word as
we struggle to understand the realities of our
changing worlds


In the more than twenty-five years since the last comprehensive mission dictionary (Concise Dictionary of Christian World Mission, 1971) was compiled the field of mission and missiology has undergone considerable changes. One of the changes has been a strengthening of evangelical involvement not only in missionary practice but in the study of mission on the formal level. The evangelical commitment to missionary work has been supplemented by a host of evangelical scholars who are studying the missionary task in new and fresh ways, bringing better analytical tools to our task without losing sight that it is the Bible which is the foundation of our work.

In recent years a plethora of new research materials has been produced, including biographical dictionaries, handbooks of mission agencies, encyclopedias of missionary statistics, prayer guides of missionary work around the globe, and dictionaries from a broader theological spectrum. However, there has been no reference work with an admittedly ...

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About Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions

The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions contains more than 1,400 articles on the theory, practice, theology, and history of missions. A comprehensive, one-volume reference, it not only provides a wealth of information on the topic of world missions, it also offers a contemporary study of the subject from an evangelical perspective. Over three hundred missionaries, theologians, and educators from a variety of cultural, denominational, and ethnic backgrounds contribute their expertise to provide a broad survey of the history of world missions as well as current trends and research.

The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, a Christianity Today 2001 Book Award winner, is a valuable research tool for professors and students in their study of world missions. It is also a readily accessible resource for clergy and lay persons interested in the history of world missions and its continuing progress.

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