A BRIEFE SHEVV Of the false VVares packt together in the named, Apology of the Churche of England.

By Iohn Rastell M. of Art and student of Diuinitie.

Qui nititur Mendacijs, hic pascit ventos, Idem Prob••• autem ipse sequitur aues volantes.

He that leaneth to lies, feedeth ye winds:

& the selfe same foloweth ye fleyng birdes.

LOVANII, Apud Ioannem Foulerum. Anno D. 1567.

REgie Maiestatis Priuilegio concessum est Ioanni Rastello Sacrae Theologiae studioso, vt librum inscriptum, A briefe shewe of the false Ware, &c. per Typographum aliquem iuratum imprimere, ac impunè distrahere liceat.

Datum Antuerpiae, die 9. Iulij▪ 1567.

Subsig. Prats.

To the Reader.

THE Church of Englād (Gentle Reader) was neuer so defended, is nowe, we heare say, it is like to be. For M. Iewel, being the Scribe, or Secretarie, and the Superintendentes with others, being coadiutors and gatherers: what is it so litle, that they so manie will not find out, or what is it so much, that he alone will not put in? By likelyhoode then, the Booke wil be greate: marie whether it will be so good or no, therein is the question. For triall of which, I haue gathered into certaine chapiters, the chiefest maters (as it seemed to me) by which theyr charge might be set before them, and to which, the accompt that they can make, might be considered, whether it wil answer.

The first of which, conteyneth the false and naughtie Argumentes of the englishe Apologie.

The secod, The Absurdities thereof.

The third, The lyes in tellinge of Stories.

The fourth, the lyes vppon the Auncient Fathers.

The fifth, the lyes vpon councels.

The sixthe, the lyes vppon the Scriptures.

The seuenth, the flatte lyes.

The eighth, the Rhetorical lyes.

The nynth, the Examples of facing a lye.

The 10. the Problematical lyes.

The 11. a blasphemous lye.

The 12. Contradictions.

The 13. False Interpretations.

These be the sommes of the debte which they are in, to God, and to the worlde: which if they can discharge with arownd and true answer, as it were a good and lauful paimēt, ••ey may be the better trusted hereafter: but because such Merchantes of this world are exeeding crafty and false in theyr mysteries, therefore (Gēle Reader) before thou deale with the Grosse Booke, weighe any of these smal peeces whiche I haue gathered for thee, out of the confutation of the Apologie of theyr Church in Englād, made by D. Harding, and consider with the Ballance of Indifferencie, whether this Aunswer of theyrs that is comming, be able to make anie of them good or no. So shalt thou saue a greate deale of labour, which els the reading and examining of the whole boke would cost thee: and I shal thinke my labour wel bestowed, which doth by any way bring thee a commoditie.

Fare wel.

From Louan. Augusti. 21.

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About A briefe shevv of the false vvares packt together in the named, Apology of the Churche of England. By Iohn Rastell M. of Art and student of diuinitie

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