A Balade declaryng how neybourhed loue, and trew dealyng is gone.

NOw straunge it is, to men of age

the which they se, before their face.

This world to be, in such outrage,

It was neuer sene, in so bad case,

Neibourhed nor loue is none

trew dealyng now is fled & gone

¶Where shall one fynde, a man to trust,

Alwaye to stande, in tyme of neede.

The most parte now, they are vniust

Fayre in wordes, but false in deede:

Neybourhed. nor loue is none

True dealyng now is fled and gone.

¶who can flatter, now best shall speede,

who can deceyue, is gaynes well won

Of deceytfull tongues, who can take hede

Many a man, they haue vndone,

Neibourhed, nor loue is none, &c,

¶The wickednesse, that doth abounde,

More then I can, with tongue expresse,

To see vnfaithfull men are founde,

of frendship there was neuer lesse:

Neiborhed, nor loue is none. &c.

¶On couetousnesse, most men desyre,

Their neibours house, some doth procure.

And ouer his hed, they wyll it hyre,

Or bye a leace, to make it sure,

Neiborhed, nor loue is none. &c.

¶To pourchace and bye, for lucre & gaine

Both leace & house, both wood & grounde,

Thei double the rent, to poore mens payne

of landlordes nowe, fewe good are founde

Neiborhed, nor loue is none. &c.

¶This is vsed now euery where,

And wyll be tyll we haue redresse,

with them I thought, the Lorde dyd fere

Because his worde they doo professe:

neiborhed, nor loue is none. &c.

¶what neiborhed is this you call,

That one another doth backbite

And daily wyll both skolde and brall,

with slaunderous wordes, in most despite:

neyborhed, nor loue is none. &c.

¶For matters small, some suffre wronge,

Vpon displeasure, in prison cast,

And there shall lye, without pitie long

tyll that his goodes are spent and wast:

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c,

¶Thungodly riche, the poore opppresse.

On them few haue compassion,

Their cause is here, remedilesse

without all consolacion:

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c.

❧ If any membre be hurte in man,

The whole body lamentes therfore:

the poore opprest who cureth than

Or helpes him for to salue his sore:

neiborhed nor loue is none, &c,

¶The percialnesse that now doth raigne

with some that haue, suche cause in hande

The riche men doth, the poore disdayne

And sekes the meanes, to make them band

neyborhed not loue is none, &c.

¶Truly to deale one with another,

In these dayes now ar very fewe,

the Sister wyll begyle the brother,

the brother agayne, deceyte wyll shewe

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c.

¶The father wyll deceyue the chylde,

the chylde the father likewise agayne,

thus one another dothe begylde

By false deceyt, that now doth raigne:

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c.

¶To speake somwhat of vsurye,

the whiche the Lorde doth daily curse

yet some doo vse it priuely

to fyll their vncontented purse,

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c.

To striue or speake, it is no boote,

In couetousnesse, there is no order

of mischiefe it is the very roote,

All thinges it spoyles, in euery border:

neyborhed nor loue is none. &c,

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A balade declaryng how neybourhed lone [sic], and trew dealyng is gone

About A balade declaryng how neybourhed lone [sic], and trew dealyng is gone

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