Volume 6
Symposium on Revelation
Introductory and Exegetical Studies
Book 1
Frank B. Holbrook
Biblical Research Institute
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Biblical Research Institute
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Unless otherwise indicated, the Scripture quotations throughout the volume are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The authors assume full responsibility for the accuracy of all quotations cited in this book.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Symposium on Revelation: introductory and exegetical studies / editor, Frank B. Holbrook.
p. cm.—(Daniel and Revelation Committee series: v. 6–)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-925675-14-8 (v. 1)
1. Bible. N.T. Revelation—Criticism, interpretation, etc.
I. Holbrook, Frank B. II. Series: Daniel and Revelation Committee series; v. 6,. etc.
BS2825.2.S96 19922
Scriptures quoted from NEB are from The New English Bible., copyright © The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970. Reprinted by permission.
Scriptures quoted from NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Scriptures quoted from RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission.
Transliteration of Hebrew and Greek Alphabets
1. Hebrew Alphabet
א | = | ʾ |
בּ | = | b |
ב | = | ḇ |
גּ | = | g |
ג | = | g̱ |
דּ | = | d |
ד | = | ḏ |
ה | = | h |
ו | = | w |
ז | = | z |
ח | = | ḥ |
ט | = | ṭ |
י | = | y |
כּ | = | k |
כ | = | ḵ |
ל | = | l |
מ | = | m |
נ | = | n |
ס | = | s |
ע | = | ʿ |
פּ | = | p |
פ | = | p̱ |
צ | = | ṣ |
ק | = | q |
ר | = | r |
שׂ | = | ś |
שׁ | = | š |
תּ | = | t |
ת | = | ṯ |
Masoretic Vowel Pointings
ַ | = | a |
ָ | = | ā |
ֲ | = | a |
ֶ | = | e |
ֵ | = | ē |
ֱ, ְ (vocal shewa) | = | e |
ֶי, ַי | = | ê |
ִ | = | i |
ִי | = | î |
ָ | = | o |
ֹ | = | ō |
ֳ | = | o |
וֹ | = | ô |
ֻ | = | u |
וּ | = | û |
2. Greek Alphabet
α | = | a |
β | = | b |
γ | = | g |
δ | = | d |
ε | = | e |
ζ | = | z |
η | = | ē |
θ | = | th |
ι | = | i |
κ | = | k |
λ | = | l |
μ | = | m |
ν | = | n |
ξ | = | x |
ο | = | o |
π | = | p |
ρ | = | r |
σ | = | s |
τ | = | t |
υ | = | u |
φ | = | ph |
χ | = | ch |
ψ | = | ps |
ω | = | ō |
ʿ | = | h |
AB Anchor Bible
AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies
Bib Biblica
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly
DARCOM Daniel and Revelation Committee
DNTT Dictionary of New Testament Theology
EvQ Evangelical Quarterly
IB Interpreter’s Bible
ICC International Critical Commentary
IDB Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal
Int Interpretation
JATS Journal of the Adventist Theological Society
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JTC Journal for Theology and the Church
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
LXX Septuagint
NASB New American Standard Bible
NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament
NTS New Testament Studies
About Symposium on Revelation: Introductory and Exegetical Studies, Book 1This book discusses not only how the Apocalypse is structured and how it should be interpreted, but also how Revelation relates to Daniel and other Old Testament prophecies. It includes in-depth discussions on how to understand the seven seals and the seven trumpets. |
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