The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918–1927
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 9

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Young Bonhoeffer


Translated from the German Edition

Edited by

Hans Pfeifer

In Cooperation with

Clifford J. Green and Carl-Jürgen Kaltenborn

English Edition

Edited by

Paul Duane Matheny, Clifford J. Green, and Marshall D. Johnson

Translated by

Mary C. Nebelsick

with the assistance of

Douglas W. Stott

Fortress Press



Originally published in German as Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke, edited by Eberhard Bethge et al., by Chr. Kaiser Verlag in 1986; Band 9, Jugend und Studium: 1918–1927, edited by Hans Pfeifer in cooperation with Clifford J. Green and Carl-Jürgen Kaltenborn. First English-language edition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 9, published by Fortress Press in 2003.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 9: Copyright © 2003 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without permission of the copyright holder. Write to permissions at: Augsburg Fortress, PO Box 1209, Minneapolis MN 55440.

Jacket design: Cheryl Watson

Cover photo: Dietrich Bonhoeffer. © Chr. Kaiser/Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh.

Internal design: The HK Scriptorium, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906–1945.

[Jugend und Studium: 1918–1927. English]

The young Bonhoeffer: 1918–1927/Dietrich Bonhoeffer; translated from the German edition edited by Hans Pfeifer in cooperation with Clifford J. Green and Carl-Jürgen Kaltenborn; English edition edited by Paul Duane Matheny, Clifford J. Green, and Marshall D. Johnson; translated by Mary C. Nebelsick with the assistance of Douglas W. Stott.

p. cm.—(Dietrich Bonhoeffer works; v. 9)

Includes bibliographical references (p.) and indexes.

ISBN 0-8006-8309-9 (alk. paper)

1. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906–1945—Childhood and youth. 2. Theologians—Germany—Biography. I. Matheny, Paul D. (Paul Duane) II. Green, Clifford J. III. Johnson, Marshall D. IV. Title. V. Series: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906–1945. Works. English. 1986; v. 9.

BR45.B6513 1986 vol. 9


230′.044 s—dc21

[230′.044′092 B]



General Editor’s Foreword to Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works


Editor’s Introduction to the English Edition, Paul Duane Matheny

The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918–1927


letters, diary, documents

A. The First World War and the Beginning of the Republic. Final School Years. January 1918–March 1923

1. To Julie Bonhoeffer, Berlin, January 23, 1918

2. To Ursula Bonhoeffer, Boltenhagen, June 17, 1918

3. To Julie Bonhoeffer, Boltenhagen, July 3, 1918

4. To Hans Christoph von Hase, Berlin, July 15, 1918

5. To His Sisters and Brothers and Maria Horn, Waldau, September 12, 1918

6. To His Parents, Waldau, September 30, 1918

7. To Julie Bonhoeffer, Berlin, December 8, 1918

8. To Julie Bonhoeffer, Berlin, December 25, 1918

9. To Julie Bonhoeffer, Berlin, January 11, 1919...

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About The Young Bonhoeffer: 1918–1927

The first of the chronological volumes in this acclaimed critical edition of Bonhoeffer’s work gathers his one hundred earliest letters and journals from after the First World War through his graduation from Berlin University. It also contains his early theological writings up to his dissertation. These seventeen works include, for example, works on the patristic period for Adolf von Harnack, on Luther’s moods for Karl Holl, on biblical interpretation for Professor Reinhold Seeberg, as well as essays on the church and eschatology, reason and revelation, Job, John, and even joy. Rounding out this picture of Bonhoeffer’s nascent theology are his sermons from the period, along with his lectures on homiletics, catechesis, and practical theology.

In translation for the first time, these writings show Bonhoeffer as pastor and theologian alert to his times and developing the formative themes of his religious worldview.

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