Revised and Expanded Edition



A Biblical Perspective on Caring for People

From the

Pastoral Counseling Ministry of

Insight for Living

Insight for Living

Plano, Texas

Committed to Excellence in Communicating Biblical Truth and Its Application

Insight for Living is the Bible-teaching ministry of Charles R. Swindoll. With broadcasts around the world, Insight for Living seeks to communicate biblical truth in an accurate, practical, and culturally relevant format. Also key to the ministry of Insight for Living are the printed materials offered for personal or group Bible study. For information on how to contact us, please see the Ordering Information on page 18.

Contributing Writers

First Edition in Two Volumes

Michael Balsbaugh, M.Div.

Taylor Gardner, M.Ed., D.Min.

Bryce Klabunde, Th.M.

Wil Luce

Barb Piel, M.A.

Steve Shores, LPC, M.A., Th.M., D.Min.

Larry Sittig, Th.M.

Revised Edition in One Volume

Kelly Arabie, M.A.

Bryce Klabunde, Th.M., D.Min.

Michelle Kopfer, LPC, M.A.

Graham Lyons, M.Div.

James Metsger, Th.M.

Cliff Ritter, Th.M.

Copy Department:

IFL Copy Department

Text Designers:

Bob Haskins

Ron Lara

Gary Lett

Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture references are from the Holy Bible, New International Version © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Also cited is the New American Standard Bible (nasb), © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission. Also cited is The Living Bible (lb).

An effort has been made to locate sources and obtain permission where necessary for the quotations used in this book. In the event of any unintentional omission, a modification will gladly be incorporated in future printings.


Copyright © 2007 Revised and expanded in one volume

Copyright © 1998 Volume 2, Insight for Living

Copyright © 1997 Volume 1, Insight for Living

The information contained in this book is intended only to provide a general guide for pastoral or lay counselors, as an assistance to them in their counseling efforts from a biblical perspective. The specific Counseling Insights may not apply to every situation or every counselee. Each person using this book should be careful to refer the counselee to a licensed professional (physician or therapist) whenever there is any indication that the counselee may require medical advice or the assistance of any other licensed professional.

All rights reserved under international copyright conventions. Unless otherwise indicated, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to Insight for Living, Rights and Permissions, Post Office Box 251007, Plano, Texas 75025-1007. The Rights and Permissions department can also be reached by e-mail at

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About Counseling Insights: A Biblical Perspective on Caring for People

Insight for Living is devoted to help pastors counsel with confidence based on an accurate understanding and practical application of God’s Word. That joy of becoming God’s catalyst in others’ lives led Insight for Living to create Counseling Insights for you—the man or woman ministering in the counseling setting.

The topics addressed in Counseling Insights range from emotional needs to marriage and family problems, from transitional times of life to spiritual concerns. In each chapter you can look forward to practical, biblical insights into the counseling issue, as well as help in applying its truth to your counseling sessions. Each chapter of Counseling Insights is organized around this basic format:

Step 1: Observation and Identification of the Problem. A case study and sample interview questions, along with occasional insights to correctly define the problem. Goal:Accurately understand the counselee’s problem.

Step 2: Biblical Instruction and Encouragement. Discussion of Scripture related to the counseling issue and biblical encouragement that you, as counselor, can offer to your counselee. Goal:Build counsel on a biblical foundation.

Step 3: Practical Helps for Today. Suggestions for immediate use that bring healing and growth to the counselee. Goal:Break the logjam in the counselee’s life; begin the healing process.

Step 4: Lifetime Principles for Growth A long-term perspective, plus practical tips, that will help you and your counselee develop strategies for growth during subsequent counseling sessions. Goal:Offer encouragement for spiritual growth.

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Table of Contents