Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament
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Lexham Context Commentary

Old Testament

Douglas Mangum

Steven E. Runge

Project Editors

Thomas Parr and Mark Ward

Associate Editors

Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament

Copyright 2020 Lexham Press

Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225


All rights reserved. You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at permissions@lexhampress.com.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are the contributor’s own translation or are from the Lexham English Bible (leb), copyright 2013 by Lexham Press. Lexham is a registered trademark of Faithlife Corporation.

Scripture quotations marked (esv) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Project Editors: Douglas Mangum, Steven E. Runge

Associate Editors: Thomas Parr and Mark Ward

Lexham Editorial Team: Claire Brubaker

Cover Design: George Siler


Genesis: God Creates, Man Falls, and God Begins the Process of Redemption Through the Seed of the Woman

Exodus: Divine Deliverance from Egypt and Divine Presence at Sinai

Leviticus: God’s Provision of a Priesthood, Sacrifices, and Laws So That Israel Can Draw Near to Him and Live Holy for Him

Numbers: Israel Prepares to Conquer Canaan but Rebels Against the Lord, Who Judges but Proceeds With His Gracious Plan

Deuteronomy: After Forty Years, God Renews the Covenant With Sinful Israel Before the Conquest of Canaan

Joshua: God’s Gift of the Promised Land

Judges: The Gradual Unraveling of an Unfaithful People

Ruth: The Faithfulness of God Overcomes Calamity Through the Faithfulness of His People

1 Samuel: The Rise of David’s Kingdom Over Saul's

2 Samuel: David’s Glorious Kingdom Established by God's Grace Despite His Sin

1 Kings: Forgetting God’s Grace and God’s Covenants: The Downward Spiral of the Kingdom of Israel

1 Chronicles: A Genealogical Summary of Israel’s History, Instructions for Worship in Yahweh’s House, and Encouragement to Follow Yahweh Wholeheartedly

2 Chronicles: A Genealogical Summary of Israel’s History, Instructions for Worship in Yahweh’s House, and Encouragement to Follow Yahweh Wholeheartedly

Ezra: Temple Reconstruction and Spiritual Reformation

Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Wall

Esther: Our Faithful God Works in Unexpected Ways

Job: God’s Testing of a Righteous Man: The Problem of Suffering, Evil, and God’s Sovereignty

Psalms: Human Experience as Praise

Proverbs: Wisdom Versus Folly

Ecclesiastes: Finding Joy in a Fallen World

Song of Solomon: True Love in a Dark World

Isaiah: Trust the Sovereign Lord, Who Redeems Israel and the Earth by His Servant

Jeremiah: God Will Judge Apostate Judah but Will Bring Redemption Through a New Covenant and the Davidic Branch

Lamentations: From Mourning to Hope

Ezekiel: The Lord Is With Us

Daniel: God’s People in Exile and God’s Eternal Kingdom...

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About Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament

The Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament surveys each book of the Old Testament at several levels—Book, Super Division, Division, Section, Pericope, Paragraph, and Unit—providing contextually appropriate commentary on each level. The reader of the commentary can easily ascertain the contextual importance of any larger section, or pericope, or even a particular verse of Scripture.

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