海金(Michael A. G. Haykin)
莱克姆教会历史辞典(The Lexham Dictionary of Church History)
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Originally published in English:
The Essential Lexham Dictionary of Church History
Edited by Michael A. G. Haykin
Copyright 2022 Lexham Press
Lexham Press, 1313 Commercial St., Bellingham, WA 98225
All rights reserved. You may use brief quotations from this resource in presentations, articles, and books. For all other uses, please write Lexham Press for permission. Email us at permissions@lexhampress.com.
Digital ISBN 9781683597094
Lexham Editorial: Douglas Mangum, Todd Hains, Elliot Ritzema, Lynsey Stepan, Allisyn Ma, Abigail Stocker
Cover Design: Josh Hunt
撰稿者 Contributors
Ballitch, Andrew S., MDiv, PhD, associate pastor of preaching and ministries, Westwood Alliance Church.
Berg, Timothy, MDiv student, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Cleland, Jonathan N., MDiv, PhD cand., Knox College, University of Toronto.
Crosby, Benjamin D., MDiv, PhD cand., McGill University.
de Klerk, Jenny-Lyn S., MA, ThM, PhD, editor, Crossway.
Eccher, Stephen B., MDiv, MLitt, PhD, associate professor of church history and Reformation studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Edwards, Jordan H., MDiv, ThM, PhD, assistant professor of university studies, Southwest Baptist University.
Ford, Coleman M., ThM, ThM, PhD, assistant professor of humanities, Texas Baptist College.
Hains, Todd R., MA, PhD, academic editor, Lexham Press.
Hanson, Brian L., MMus, MA, MDiv, PhD, assistant professor of history and theology, Bethlehem College and Seminary.
Haykin, Michael A. G., MRel, ThD, professor of church history, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Hollmann, Joshua, MDiv, PhD, associate professor of systematic theology, Concordia University, St. Paul.
Hoyum, John W., MDiv, PhD cand., University of Aberdeen.
Keith, Caleb E., MA, junior fellow, 1517.
Kilcrease, Jack D., MA, PhD, associate professor of historical and systematic theology, Christ School of Theology.
Mills, David Forrest, MDiv, ThM, PhD, associate pastor of family ministry and discipleship, Euclid Avenue Baptist Church.
Moldenhauer, Aaron M., MDiv, STM, PhD, assistant professor of theology, Concordia University–Wisconsin.
Neel, Caleb, MDiv, PhD cand., research and administrative assistant, The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies.
Owens, Jesse F., MDiv, PhD, assistant professor of historical and systematic theology, Welch College.
Padgett, Timothy D., MDiv, MA, PhD, theologian-in-residence, The Colson Center for Christian Worldview.
Perry, Tim, MDiv, PhD, professor of pastoral and systematic theology, Providence Theological Seminary.
Sampson, John, MA, PhD cand., St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto....
About 莱克姆教会历史辞典《莱克姆教会历史辞典》(The Lexham Dictionary of Church History, LDCH)提供了教会历史上重要事项的简要介绍。包括四百多项条目,涵盖了主要人物、地点和概念,包括有关全球教会的文章,由海金(Michael A. G. Haykin)担任英文版总编。这部辞典为读者提供了一个条理分明、内容广泛、简洁方便的资源。 |
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