Competent to Counsel
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Introduction to

Nouthetic Counseling

Jay E. Adams


Copyright © 1970 by Jay E. Adams

Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

Library of Congress Cataloging–in–Publication Data

Adams, Jay Edward.

Competent to counsel.

(The Jay Adams library)

Reprint. Originally published: Phillipsburg, N.J.:

Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., © 1970.

ISBN 0-310-51140-2

1. Pastoral counseling. I. Title. II. Title: Nouthetic counseling. III. Series: Adams, Jay Edward. Jay Adams library.

BV4012.2.A323 1986 253.5 86–5233

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other-except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Table of Contents

List of Diagrams and Charts


I. Christianity and Psychiatry Today

Psychiatry Is in Trouble

The Freudian Ethic

Freudian Theory and Therapy

The Revolution in Psychology

Freud: An Enemy, not a Friend

Where Does This Leave Us?

II. The Holy Spirit and Counseling

Counseling Is the Work of the Spirit

How Does the Holy Spirit Work in Counseling?

The Holy Spirit Works through Means

The Holy Spirit’s Work Is Sovereign

The Holy Spirit Works by means of His Word

III. What Is Wrong with the Mentally Ill?

The Case of Leo Held

Mental Illness: A Misnomer

People with Personal Problems Often Use Camouflage

Homosexuality Fits the Pattern

Adrenachrome or Schizophrenia?

IV. What Is Nouthetic Counseling?

Nouthetic Confrontation: By the Whole Church

Peculiarly the Work of the Ministry

Three Elements in Nouthetic Confrontation

Nouthesis and the Purpose of Scripture

Nouthetic Involvement

Love Is the Goal

Authoritative Counseling

Failure in Nouthetic Confrontation

Some Reasons for Failure

Qualifications for Counseling

Pastoral Applications

V. The Pastor as a Nouthetic Counselor

What Is a Pastor?

Evangelism and Counseling

Nouthetic Evangelism

Sanctification and Counseling

Sanctification Means Change

VI. Nouthetic and Rogerian Counseling

Rogers’ Basic Presupposition

Responsibility Is Respondability

No Neutrality

What About Listening?

Who Is Really Client-centered?

Feeling and Behavior

The Nervous System Corresponds to the Nouthetic Approach

Proverbs: A Book of Directive Counseling

Methodology Grows out of Presuppositions

VII. Confess Your Sins

James 5:14

What About Oil?

Not All Sickness Related to Particular Sins

Nouthetically Confronting the Sick

Confessing to Others

Allow No Minimizing

Securing Help

Psychosomatic Illness


Happiness Through Confession


Counseling Others

Parents Counseling Children

VIII. Solving Problems Nouthetically

Man’s Basic Problem

You Can’t Say Can’t


Cyclical Movement

Three Dimensions of Problems

The Past May Be the Present

Total Structuring


Break Downs are Break Ups

Secondary Matters

Problem Solving through Modeling

Industry ...

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About Competent to Counsel

Using biblically directed discussion, nouthetic counseling works by means of the Holy Spirit to bring about change in the personality and behavior of the counselee. As Dr. Jay Adams points out in his introduction, "I have been engrossed in the project of developing biblical counseling and have uncovered what I consider to be a number of important scriptural principles. ... There have been dramatic results. ... Not only have people's immediate problems been resolved, but there have also been solutions to all sorts of long-term problems as well."

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Table of Contents