O. Palmer Robertson
O. Palmer Robertson
ISBN-10: 0-87552-418-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-87552-418-4
Scripture quotations are primarily from the author’s translation or the New American Standard Bible.
my invaluable helpmate
and beloved fellow-heir
of the grace of covenant life
1. The Nature of the Divine Covenants
2. The Extent of the Divine Covenants
3. The Unity of the Divine Covenants
4. Diversity in the Divine Covenants
6. Adam: The Covenant of Commencement
7. Noah: The Covenant of Preservation
8. Abraham: The Covenant of Promise
9. The Seal of the Abrahamic Covenant
10. Moses: The Covenant of Law
11. Excursus: Which Structures Scripture—Covenants or Dispensations?
12. David: The Covenant of the Kingdom
13. Christ: The Covenant of Consummation
This work focuses on two areas central to the concerns of biblical interpretation today: the significance of God’s covenants and the relation of the two testaments. By understanding correctly God’s initiatives in establishing covenants in history, a solid foundation will be laid for unravelling the complex question of the relation of the two testaments.
Virtually every school of biblical interpretation today has come to appreciate the significance of the covenants for the understanding of the distinctive message of the Scriptures. May the Lord of the covenant bless this ongoing discussion so that a fuller love of him who has made himself to be “a covenant for the peoples” will be kindled in the hearts of men of all nations.
O. Palmer Robertson
Covenant Theological Seminary
St. Louis, Missouri
September 1, 1980
The Nature of the Divine Covenants
What is a covenant?
Asking for a definition of “covenant” is something like asking for a definition of “mother.”
A mother may be defined as the person who brought you into the world. That definition may be correct formally. But who would be satisfied with such a definition?
Scripture clearly testifies to the significance of the divine covenants. God has entered repeatedly into covenantal relationships with particular men. Explicit references may be found to a divine covenant established with Noah (Gen. 6:18), Abraham (Gen. 15:18), Israel (Exod. 24:8), and David (Ps. 89:3). Israel’s prophets anticipated the coming of the days of the “new” covenant (Jer. 31:31), and Christ himself spoke of the last supper in covenantal language (Luke 22:20).
But what is a covenant?
Some would discourage any effort to present a single definition of “covenant” which would embrace all the varied usages of the term in Scripture. They would suggest that the many different contexts in which the word appears imply many different meanings.1
Clearly any definition ...
About The Christ of the CovenantsWhat is a covenant? Asking for a definition of “covenant” is like asking for a definition of “mother.” A mother may be defined as the person who brought you into the world. That definition may be correct formally. But who would be satisfied with such a definition? Scripture clearly testifies to the significance of the divine covenants. God has entered repeatedly into covenantal relationships with particular men. Explicit references may be found to a divine covenant established with Noah, Abraham, Israel, and David. Israel’s prophets anticipated the coming of the days of the “new covenant,” and Christ himself spoke of the last supper in covenantal language. But what is a covenant? Robertson leaves no stone unturned as he explains the Bible’s covenants. As he explores each covenant in depth, he helps us to see their unity, diversity, and place in the history of redemption. |
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