Christianity Confronts Pluralism
D. A. Carson
Fifteenth Anniversary Edition
The Gagging of God
Copyright © 2011 by D. A. Carson
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Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530
The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Carson, D. A.
The gagging of God: Christianity confronts pluralism / D. A. Carson.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-310-24286-4 (Softcover)
1. Theology—Methodology. 2. Theology, Doctrinal—History—20th Century. 3. Religious pluralism. 4. Salvation outside the church. 5. Hermeneutics—Religious aspects—Christianity I. Title. BT118.C37 1996
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Cover design: Tammy Johnson
Edited by Elizabeth Yoder
This one is for Tiffany and Nicholas, not because they can as yet understand much of it, but because in a few years they will need it.
Preface to Fifteenth Anniversary Edition
1. The Challenges of Contemporary Pluralism
2. The Taming of Truth: The Hermeneutical Morass
3. Escaping from the Hermeneutical Morass: “Let God be true, and every man a liar”
4. Has God Spoken? The Authority of Revelation
5. What God Has Spoken: Opening Moves in the Bible’s Plot-line
6. What God Has Spoken: Climactic Moves in the Bible’s Plot-line
8. On Drawing Lines, When Drawing Lines Is Rude
Part Three: Christian Living in a Pluralistic Culture
9. Nibbling at the Edges: The Range of the Challenge
Part Four: Pluralism Within the Camp
11. Fraying, Fragmented, Frustrated: The Changing Face of Western Evangelicalism
12. On Heralding the Gospel in a Pluralistic Culture
13. On Banishing the Lake of Fire
14. “This is my Father’s world”: Contextualization and Globalization
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About The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts PluralismThis Gold Medallion Award-winning book presents a persuasive case for Christ as the only way to God. Is Jesus the only way to God? This clear, critically-acclaimed, scholarly response to that question affirms the deep need for the Gospel’s exclusive message in today’s increasingly pluralistic global community. The Gagging of God offers an in-depth look at the big picture, shows how the many ramifications of pluralism are all parts of a whole, and then provides a systematic Christian response. The Gagging of God is divided into four parts: • Part One looks at the history of pluralism, especially the revolution in hermeneutics, literary theory, and epistemology. • Part Two addresses religious pluralism, notably the work of John Hick and David Tracy, and of inclusivists such as Clark Pinnock and John Sanders. It argues for the Bible’s foundational “plotline,” and addresses the uniqueness of Christ. • Part Three analyzes the Christian’s stance in a pluralistic culture across such diverse fields as education, law, and morals. • Part Four looks at how pluralism has penetrated the evangelical camp and offers a thoughtful look at how to evangelize in a postmodern generation. |
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