Be Ye Holy

The call to christian separation

Fred Moritz

Bju Press

greenville, south carolina

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Moritz, Fred, 1942–

“Be ye holy”: the call to Christian separation / Fred Moritz.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-89084-737-1

1. Separation from sin—Christianity. 2. Fundamentalism. I. Title.

BT82.2.M67 1994




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The fact that materials produced by other publishers are referred to in this volume does not constitute an endorsement by BJU Press of the content or theological position of materials produced by such publishers. The position of BJU Press, and Bob Jones University itself, is well known. Any references and ancillary materials are listed as an aid to the reader and in an attempt to maintain the accepted academic standards of the publishing industry.

“Be Ye Holy”: The Call to Christian Separation

Fred Moritz

Cover design by Micah Ellis

Edited by Mark Sidwell

© 1994 BJU Press

Greenville, South Carolina 29614

All rights reserved

ISBN 0-89084-737-1





1 Holiness—The Foundation of Separation

2 Personal Separation

3 Ecclesiastical Separation

4 Separation from a Christian Brother

5 The Spirit of the Separatist


Appendix A: Etymology and Uses of Biblical Words for Holiness

Appendix B: Harold John Ockenga’s Press Release on “The New Evangelicalism”

Select Bibliography

Topical Index

Scripture Index


Dr. Fred Moritz has done a great favor for those of us who hold the Bible to be the infallible Word of God and believe that God requires a separated and holy life of those who are saved by His grace. It is also a favor for those who may be confused about this matter.

He has brought together the many passages of Scripture that declare this fact and has shown that there is no conflict between salvation by grace alone and the requirement of a holy life.

Dr. Moritz uses the opinions of godly and brilliant scholars and saints throughout history to show that God requires not only personal holiness but also ecclesiastical separation.

This is one of only a few books on ecclesiastical separation written by true evangelicals. The pens of neo-evangelicals have been very prolific on the subject from an opposing viewpoint.

It is good to have a logical, scholarly, biblical treatise on this subject from the pen of a strong evangelist, leader, and servant of missionaries.

May God bless this book as it goes forth from the press!

Monroe Parker, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D.

General Director

Baptist World Mission


My spiritual roots grow deep in the rich soil of a godly heritage. German immigrant grandparents knew Christ as their Savior and reared nine children. As far as I know, all nine of those children came to Christ and are in heaven. I am told that my grandfather, who died before my birth, stood over my dad’s cradle and prayed that God would call him to preach. Dad became a structural ...

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About “Be Ye Holy”: The Call to Christian Separation

Bring up the topic of Christian holiness today and you will get many differing definitions. Bring up the subject of “separation” and you may be either glibly dismissed or violently opposed. Sometimes seen as narrow, bigoted, non-progressive, and even impractical, separation is often disdainfully called “legalism.” But a scriptural study of holiness reveals that separation is an integral part of it and originates from God Himself. While it is a command rather than an option for the Christian, separation unto holiness need not be seen in a strictly negative light.

Dr. Moritz takes a close-up look at various kinds of separation, the separatist himself, and the definitions vital to understanding it to bring holy living into the realm of every Christian’s understanding.

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