The Message of Jeremiah: Grace in the End
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The Message of Jeremiah

Grace in the end

Christopher J. H. Wright

International Ministries Director Langham Partnership

Inter-Varsity Press


Norton Street, Nottingham NG7 3HR, England



© Christopher J. H. Wright 2014

Christopher J. H. Wright has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work.

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Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised. Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 Biblica, formerly International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, an Hachette UK company. All rights reserved. ‘niv’ is a registered trademark of Biblica UK, trademark number 1448790.

First published 2014

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-78359-032-2

Inter-Varsity Press publishes Christian books that are true to the Bible and that communicate the gospel, develop discipleship and strengthen the church for its mission in the world.

Inter-Varsity Press is closely linked with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, a student movement connecting Christian Unions in universities and colleges throughout Great Britain, and a member movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Website:

The Bible Speaks Today

Series editors: Alec Motyer (OT)

John Stott (NT)

Derek Tidball (Bible Themes)

To the memory of

Derek Kidner



General preface

Author’s preface


Select bibliography


1. The beginning—and the end (Jeremiah 1:1–3)

2. Jeremiah’s appointment as prophet (Jeremiah 1:4–19)

3. From honeymoon to divorce (Jeremiah 2:1–3:5)

4. Turn, turn, turn (Jeremiah 3:6–4:4)

5. Disaster from the north (Jeremiah 4:5–6:30)

6. The temple sermon (Jeremiah 7:1–8:3)

7. Tears in heaven (Jeremiah 8:4–10:25)

8. Broken covenant and broken hearts (Jeremiah 11:1–12:17)

9. An unwearable people and an unbearable future (Jeremiah 13:1–27)

10. Too late! Too late! (Jeremiah 14:1–15:9)

11. The pit of self-pity (Jeremiah 15:10–21)

12. Silver-lined loneliness (Jeremiah 16:1–21)

13. Heart searching (Jeremiah 17:1–27)

14. Pots and plots (Jeremiah 18:1–20:6)

15. ‘Perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned’ (Jeremiah 20:7–18)

16. Kings: alive and dead and yet to be born (Jeremiah 21:1–23:8)

17. Prophets: not on a mission from God (Jeremiah 23:9–40)

18. The good, the bad and the ugly (Jeremiah 24:1–25:38)

19. Half time

20. Dramatic public encounters (Jeremiah 26:1–28:17)

21. Letter to the exiles (Jeremiah ...

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About The Message of Jeremiah: Grace in the End

The prophet Jeremiah addressed the people of Judah and Jerusalem over a forty-year period leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The book of Jeremiah addresses the exiles, especially those in Babylon, in the years after the catastrophe. Here we encounter Jeremiah the prophet who, from his youth to old age, delivered the word of God to the people of Israel at the most terrifying time in all their troubled history. Understanding Jeremiah’s context is essential to understanding his life and message.

We must encounter the God of Jeremiah—an encounter that should be both profoundly disturbing and ultimately reassuring, as it was for him. If Jeremiah spoke in his day and if the book still speaks today, in both cases it is God who called the man to speak and commanded the book to be written for his day and for our day. Jeremiah is a book of the victory of God’s love and grace. His redemptive, reconstructive work comprises the book’s portrait of the future—a future that we see fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. Ultimately we see it in God’s dwelling with his redeemed people forever in the new creation.

A replacement volume in The Bible Speaks Today: Old Testament series, this book offers a new exposition on the book of Jeremiah.

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