The Complete Works


Thomas Brooks

Edited, with Memoir,

by the rev. alexander balloch grosart




precious remedies against satan’s devices—apples of gold for young men and women—the mute christian under the smarting rod—a string of pearls

Edinburgh: James Nichol

london: james nisbet and co. dublin: g. herbert



I. The Preface

II. Memoir of Brooks

Appendix to Memoir

III. Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices

Epistle Dedicatory

A Word to the Reader

A Table showing the principal things in this Treatise:—

The words opened, and the point proved, from

I. In the next place is shewed, The several devices that Satan hath to draw souls to sin:

Satan’s first device to draw the soul to sin is, To present the bait, and hide the hook. Four remedies against this device, from

His second device to draw the soul to sin is, By painting sin with virtue’s colours. Four remedies against this device, from

The third device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By extenuating and lessening of sin. Seven remedies against this device of Satan, from

The fourth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By presenting to the soul the best men’s sins, and by hiding from the soul their virtues. Four remedies against this device of Satan, from

The fifth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By presenting God to the soul as one made up all of mercy. Five remedies against this device, from

The sixth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By persuading the soul that the work of repentance is an easy work. Six remedies against this device, from

The seventh device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By making the soul bold to venture upon the occasions of sin. Four remedies against this device, from

The eighth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By presenting to the soul the outward mercies that vain men enjoy, and the outward miseries that they are freed from, whilst they have walked in the ways of sin. Eight remedies against this device, from

The ninth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By presenting to the soul the crosses, the losses, reproaches, sorrows, and sufferings that daily attend those that walk in the ways of holiness. Seven remedies against this device, from

The tenth device that Satan hath to draw the souls of men to sin is, By working them to be frequently in comparing themselves and their ways with those that are reputed to be worse than themselves. Three remedies against this device, from

The eleventh device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, By polluting and defiling the souls and judgments of men with such dangerous errors, that do in their proper tendency tend to carry the souls of men to all looseness and wickedness. Seven remedies against this device, from

The twelfth device that Satan hath to draw the soul to sin is, To work it to affect wicked company. Four remedies against this device, from

II. Secondly, As Satan hath ...

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About The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks, Volume 1

In Volume 1, Thomas Brooks uncovers different ways that Satan tries to attack us and then gives us ways to counteract these attacks. Brooks also talks about the ways that Satan tries to draw people to sin by keeping them from their religious duties and the ways we can prevent that from happening. He treats the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a fuller and more suggestive way than in the literature of the present day.

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Table of Contents