Biblical Hebrew
Michael Williams
The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users
Copyright © 2015 Michael Williams
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Williams, Michael James, 1956 – author.
Biblical Hebrew companion for Bible software users : grammatical terms explained for exegesis / Michael Williams.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-310-52130-3 (softcover)
1. Hebrew language — Grammar. 2. Bible — Language, style. I. Title.
PJ4567.3.W55 2015
492.482'421 — dc23
All New Testament quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are the authors’ own.
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Direct Object Marker, Object, Untranslatable Mark of the Accusative Case
Hitpalel, Hitpalpel, Hitpoel, Hitpolel
Prefix Conjugation, Preformative Conjugation, YQTL Conjugation
Negative Particle, General Negative, Negative Adverb
Suffix Conjugation, Sufformative Conjugation, QTL Conjugation
About The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users: Grammatical Terms Explained for ExegesisThe Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users helps users understand the exegetical significance of Hebrew grammatical terminology identified by the program. This resource provides students who utilize biblical language software the insight they need to make sense of the data provided by the program, giving them deeper insight into the biblical text that they could not get by solely reading an English translation. The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users is ideally suited for: • Pastors and ministry leaders who may have learned Hebrew at one time but have experienced the loss of much of that learning. • College and seminary students who are learning Hebrew and need a guide to help understand the significance of the grammatical terminology. • Bible software users who never formally learned Hebrew in the classroom and need help understanding the meaning of the terms they encounter. With grammatical terms laid out and discussed in an intuitive and user-friendly format, readers can now spend time focusing on exegesis and applying their findings to their preaching, teachings, study, and writing instead of puzzling over the significance of grammatical terminology and how to apply it. |
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