A Critical Introduction
Edited by
Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap
Daniel A. Keating
John P. Yocum
A Continuum imprint
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Copyright © T&T Clark Ltd, 2004
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0 567 08419 1 (Hardback)
ISBN 0 567 08411 6 (Paperback)
Who long to peer into the Sacred Mysteries
1. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Doctrine in Saint Thomas Aquinas
Christopher T. Baglow
2. Act of Creation with its Theological Consequences
David B. Burrell
3. The Doctrine of the Trinity in St Thomas Aquinas
Gilles Emery
4. Aquinas: God IS Man: The Marvel of the Incarnation
Thomas G. Weinandy
5. The Teaching of Thomas Aquinas on the Mysteries of the Life of Christ
Michael J. Dodds
6. Aquinas on Christian Salvation
Romanus Cessario
7. Justification, Sanctification and Divinization in Thomas Aquinas
Daniel A. Keating
8. Sacraments in Aquinas
John P. Yocum
9. Aquinas on the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Matthew Levering
10. Thomas on the Church: Reflections on a Sermon
Herwi Rikhof
11. The Eschatology of St Thomas Aquinas
Matthew L. Lamb
12. The Mariology of St Thomas
Aidan Nichols
Christopher T. Baglow Our Lady of Holy Cross College, New Orleans
David B. Burrell University of Notre Dame
Romanus Cessario St John’s Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts
Michael J. Dodds Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
Gilles Emery University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Daniel A. Keating Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit
Fergus Kerr Blackfriars, Oxford, and the University of Edinburgh
Matthew L. Lamb Boston College
Matthew Levering Ave Maria College, Ypsilanti
Aidan Nichols Blackfriars, Cambridge
Herwi Rikhof Thomas Instituut, Utrecht
Thomas G. Weinandy Greyfriars, Oxford
John P. Yocum Greyfriars, Oxford
Fergus Kerr
In the nearly forty years since the end of the Second Vatican Council, Pope John Paul II notes, the study of the work of Saint Thomas Aquinas has been neglected in many Catholic institutions (Fides et Ratio §61).
In this encyclical, it is true, the Pope has Aquinas’ philosophy principally in mind, seeing this neglect in the context of a widespread lack of trust in reason in a good deal of modern philosophy. This distrust of reason, he observes, ‘with both surprise and sorrow’, is shared by ‘not a few [Catholic] theologians’.
As the Pope has already noted, the ‘more distinguished’ of the theologians ...
About Aquinas on Doctrine: A Critical IntroductionThis book provides a critical study of the main Christian doctrines as understood and explained by Thomas Aquinas. The whole Thomistic revival of the last century focused almost exclusively on Aquinas as the Christian philosopher. Thus books and articles developed his understanding of being, his epistemology, natural theology, etc. However little has been done, even to this day, by way of examining Aquinas’ teaching on the major Christian doctrines. |
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