Relating to the Old Testament


Third Edition with Supplement


copyright © 1950, 1955, 1969, by princeton university press

copyright © renewed 1978 by princeton university press

all rights reserved

second edition, 1955

third edition with supplement, 1969

Third printing, 1974

Fifth printing, 1992

l.c.c. no. 78-76499

i.s.b.n. 0-691-03503-2

11 12 10

isbn-13: 978-0-691-03503-1 (cloth)


Third Edition with Supplement


Introduction to the Third Edition



Egyptian Myths, Tales, and Mortuary Texts (John A. Wilson)

Creation and Myths of Origins

The Creation by Atum

Another Version of the Creation by Atum

The Theology of Memphis

The Repulsing of the Dragon and the Creation

All Men Created Equal in Opportunity

Thebes as the Place of Creation

The Assignment of Functions to Thoth

The Primeval Establishment of Order

The Mythological Origin of Certain Unclean Animals

Deliverance of Mankind from Destruction

Heroic Tales—Exploits of Gods and Human Beings

The Repulsing of the Dragon

The God and His Unknown Name of Power

The Contest of Horus and Seth for the Rule

Astarte and the Tribute of the Sea

The Story of Si-nuhe

The Taking of Joppa

The Story of Two Brothers

The Journey of Wen-Amon to Phoenicia

The Legend of the Possessed Princess

The Tradition of Seven Lean Years in Egypt

Mortuary Texts: Life after Death

The Conquest of Death

The Fields of Paradise

The Good Fortune of the Dead

The Protestation of Guiltlessness

Sumerian Myths and Epic Tales (S. N. Kramer)

Enki and Ninhursag: a Paradise Myth

Dumuzi and Enkimdu: the Dispute between the Shepherd-God and the Farmer-God

The Deluge

Gilgamesh and Agga

Gilgamesh and the Land of the Living

The Death of Gilgamesh

Inanna’s Descent to the Nether World

The Duties and Powers of the Gods: Inscription on the Statue of King Kurigalzu

Akkadian Myths and Epics

The Creation Epic (E. A. Speiser)

The Creation Epic—Additions to Tablets V–VII (A. K. Grayson)

The Epic of Gilgamesh (E. A. Speiser)

The Epic of Gilgamesh—Notes and Additions (A. K. Grayson)

Creation of Man by the Mother Goddess (E. A. Speiser)

A Cosmological Incantation: The Worm and the Toothache (E. A. Speiser)

Adapa (E. A. Speiser)

Nergal and Ereshkigal (E. A. Speiser)

Nergal and Ereshkigal—Additions (A. K. Grayson)

Atrahasis (E. A. Speiser)

Atrahasis—Additional Texts (A. K. Grayson)

Descent of Ishtar to the Nether World (E. A. Speiser)

A Vision of the Nether World (E. A. Speiser)

The Myth of Zu (E. A. Speiser)

The Myth of Zu (A. K. Grayson)

Etana (E. A. Speiser)

Etana—Additions (A. K. Grayson)

The Legend of Sargon (E. A. Speiser)

A Babylonian Theogony (A. K. Grayson)

Hittite Myths, Epics, and Legends (Albrecht Goetze)

The Moon that Fell from Heaven

Kingship in Heaven

The Song of Ullikummis

The Myth of Illuyankas

The Telepinus Myth

El, Ashertu and the Storm-god

Ugaritic Myths, Epics, and Legends (H. L. Ginsberg)...

Content not shown in limited preview…

About Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)

The Ancient Near Eastern Texts brings together the most important historical, legal, mythological, liturgical, and secular texts of the ancient Near East, with the purpose of providing a rich contextual base for understanding the people, cultures, and literature of the Old Testament. A scholar of religious thought and biblical archaeology, James Pritchard recruited the foremost linguists, historians, and archaeologists to select and translate the texts. The goal, in his words, was “a better understanding of the likenesses and differences which existed between Israel and the surrounding cultures.”

Before the ANET—as it is fondly referred to—students of the Old Testament were disposed to search out scattered books and journals in various languages to find what this essential resource offers: invaluable documents, in one place and in one language. As one reviewer put it, “This great volume is one of the most notable to have appeared in the field of Old Testament scholarship this century.”

Pritchard’s ANET, a standard reference for those examining the cultural setting of the Bible, contains translations of many important inscriptions which shed light on otherwise mysterious Bible customs. Included are such things as the Epic of Gilgamesh (containing our oldest Flood parallels), the Nuzi Texts (which, among others, help us understand the life of Jacob), various ancient law codes which have parallels to the biblical code, an early Palestinian ostraka, a wide selection of Egyptian and Akkadian oracles and prophecies, and even a Sumerian lullaby.

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Table of Contents