Sermons 20–50 on the Old Testament
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A Translation for the 21st Century




on the Old Testament

translation and notes by

Edmund Hill, O.P.


John E. Rotelle, O.S.A.

New City Press

Hyde Park, New York

Published in the United States by New City Press of the Focolare

202 Comforter Blvd., Hyde Park, New York 12538

©1992 Augustinian Heritage Institute

Cover design by Ben D’Angio

Reformatted and updated by Steven Cordiviola, June 2016

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.

The works of Saint Augustine.

“Augustinian Heritage Institute”

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Contents: — pt. 3. Sermons. v. 1. 1-19.

Introduction / Michele Pellegrino — pt. 3. Sermons on the Old Testament. v. 2 20-50 — [etc.] — pt. 3. Sermons on the New Testament. v. 3. 51-94. v. 4. 94A-147A. v. 5 148-183.

1. Theology — Early Church, ca. 30-600. I. Hill,

Edmund. II. Rotelle, John E. III. Augustinian

Heritage Institute. IV. Title.

BR65.A5E53 1990 270.2


ISBN 0-911782-75-3 (pt. 3, v. 1)

ISBN 0-911782-78-8 (pt. 3, v. 2)

ISBN 0-911782-85-0 (pt. 3, v. 3)

ISBN 1-56548-000-7 (pt. 3, v. 4)

ISBN 1-56548-007-4 (pt. 3, v. 5)

3rd Printing: July 2016

Nihil Obstat: John E. Rotelle, O.S.A., S.T.L.

Delegated Censor

Imprimatur: Francis J. Mugavero, D.D.

Bishop of Brooklyn

Augustinian Heritage Institute

Board of Directors

+John E. Rotelle, O.S.A. (1939–2002), founding director

Joseph L. Farrell, O.S.A.

David Hunter

Joseph T. Kelley

Patricia H. Lo

Jane E. Merdinger

Boniface Ramsey

James Wetzel

Jonathan Yates

Translation Advisory Board

Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A.

Joseph McGowan

Edmund Hill, O.P.

Boniface Ramsey

Part III—Sermons

Volume II: Sermons 20–50

The English translation of the works of Saint Augustine has been made possible with contributions from the following:

Order of Saint Augustine

Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova (East)

Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel (Midwest)

Province of Saint Augustine (California)

Province of Saint Joseph (Canada)

Vice Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel

Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel (Ireland)

Province of Saint John Stone (England and Scotland)

Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel (Australia)

The Augustinians of the Assumption (North America)

The Sisters of Saint Thomas of Villanova

Order of Augustinian Recollects

Province of Saint Augustine

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Crouse

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henkels

Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. McGill, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mariano J. Rotelle


Sermon 20—On the Verse of Psalm 51: Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God

For healing, look to the Lord; Accuse yourself instead of looking for excuses; A balance between desperation and excessive trust; Don’t put off conversion; After the sermon

Sermon 20A—On The Response Of Psalm 57: Have Mercy on Me, Lord, Have Mercy on Me, For in You Has My Soul Put Its Trust

Temptation in the good and bad things of this world; Don’t put your trust in yourself; Christ put on the clothes ...

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About Sermons 20–50 on the Old Testament

This resource contains the second volume of Augustine’s sermons, including sermons 20–50. The sermons have helpful subdivisions in the contents as well as the text.

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