Before It’s Too Late
© 1999 by Gary Smalley
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Smalley, Gary.
Winning your wife back : a game plan for reconciling your marriage / Gary Smalley, Greg Smalley, and Deborah Smalley.
p. cm.
Includes Bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-7852-7045-4 (HC)
ISBN 978-0-7852-6028-8 (SC)
1.Husbands—Religious life. 2.Marriage—Religious aspects—Christianity. 3.Reconciliation—Religious aspects—Christianity. I. Smalley, Greg. II. Smalley, Deborah. III. Title.
BV4528.2.S53 1999
Printed in the United States of America
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Pregame Warm-Up: Lord, I Need a Miracle!
Step One: Understand How Penalty Flags Can Damage the Reconciliation Process
Step Two: Open a Closed Spirit
Step Three: Honor Your Wife and Children
Step Four: Develop Sacrificial Love
Step Five: Initiate Change in Yourself
Step Six: Understand Why Some Women Are Not in a Position to Reconcile
Step Seven: Understand the Ultimate Goal When Your Wife Leaves
Step Nine: Be Accountable by Joining a Support Group
Step Ten: Understand Women: The Scouting Report
Write Your Game Plan for Reconciliation
Postgame Interviews: Lord, Thank You for the Miracle!
Appendix A: Training Exercises
About Winning Your Wife Back Before It's Too Late: Whether She's Left Physically or Emotionally All That Matters Is...Winning your wife back from emotional or physical separation is more than doing the same things with more intensity. It involves developing a whole new strategy to overcome what seem to be overwhelming odds to attain a come-from-behind victory. In Winning Your Wife Back Before It's Too late, Gary Smalley utilizes the following game plan to significantly increase your chances for a "miracle comeback": • Understand "penalty flags" • Open a closed spirit • Honor your wife and children • Develop sacrificial love • Initiate change in yourself • Be accountable by joining a support group Through true stories of previously separated couples, you'll see how the principles illustrated in this plan have been fleshed out in the lives of real people and can lead to a successful reconciliation. Although there is no guarantee that you will win your wife back, you can still experience personal triumph and gain significant yardage in becoming the godly man you were intended to be. |
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