Preparing for a Kingdom Marriage: A Couple’s Workbook to Connecting with God’s Purpose

Copyright © 2018 by Tony Evans

A Focus on the Family book published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

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Editor: Kathy Davis

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Portions of Appendixes A, B, and C have been adapted or used directly from Kingdom Quest and/or Kingdom Quest Leader’s Guide, Focus on the Family, 2015.

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ISBN 978-1-58997-937-6

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1. Cover

2. Title Page

3. Copyright

4. Introduction

5. Video Links Information

6. Part I: The Foundation of a Kingdom Marriage

1. Lesson 1: Origin

2. Lesson 2: Order

3. Lesson 3: Opposition

4. Lesson 4: Oaths

5. Lesson 5: Oneness

7. Part II: The Function of a Kingdom Marriage

1. Lesson 6: Roles

2. Lesson 7: Resolutions

3. Lesson 8: Requests

4. Lesson 9: Restoration

5. Lesson 10: Resources

6. Lesson 11: Romance

7. Lesson 12: Rebuilding

8. Lesson 13: Return

8. Appendix A: Purpose and Personalities

9. Appendix B: Communication and Conflict Tips and Assessments

10. Appendix C: Embracing Oneness through Serving

11. Appendix D: Blended Families

12. Appendix E: Sample Budget Template

13. Appendix F: Note to Mentors


WELCOME TO PREPARING FOR A KINGDOM MARRIAGE. We are so excited that you and your future spouse are taking the time to prepare for this monumental decision and transition in your life! Your marriage will be the foundation for your future, in more ways than you can even imagine. That’s why we’ve put together this workbook to help you open up ...

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About Preparing for a Kingdom Marriage: A Couple's Workbook to Connecting with God's Purpose

Unleash the power of God’s plan for your destiny as a couple.
The toasts are done. The last dance is over. A few pieces of cake are left, and it’s time for you to hop in the car and head off to the rest of your life as a married couple. What’s next? How do you know that this picture-perfect day will result in a marriage of lifelong commitment and glory to God, who brought you together?

In Preparing for a Kingdom Marriage, you’ll find the tools to build the lasting, fulfilling relationship He designed for you.

Used together with the bestselling book Kingdom Marriage by Dr. Tony Evans, this encouraging guide offers practical teaching and sound counsel. Each session features a video introduction that will inspire and motivate you. Through interactive questions and activities, you’ll discover ways to:

• Be victorious over conflict

• Grow closer to God and to each other

• Maintain the spark of intimacy

• Impact the world around you as a couple

The sound biblical teaching and real-life examples in Preparing for a Kingdom Marriage will help you flourish as a couple, empowered to fulfill God’s unique and glorious purpose.

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Table of Contents