and the

christian tradition

Towards an Evangelical Baptist Catholicity

edited by

Matthew Y. Emerson

Christopher W. Morgan

R. Lucas Stamps

Baptists and the Christian Tradition

Copyright © 2020 by Matthew Y. Emerson, Christopher W. Morgan, and R. Lucas Stamps

Published by B&H Academic

Nashville, Tennessee

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4336-5062-8

Dewey Decimal Classification: 230.6


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.

The web addresses referenced in this book were live and correct at the time of the book’s publication but may be subject to change.

Cover design by Emily Keafer Lambright.

Photo® Nuntiya/shutterstock.

To David Dockery and Timothy George, pioneers of Baptist catholicity and champions of the faith

once delivered to the saints.





Introduction: Baptists and the Christian Tradition: What Hath Nicaea to Do with Nashville?

1. Baptists, the Unity of the Church, and the Christian Tradition

2. Baptists, Sola Scriptura, and the Place of the Christian Tradition

3. Baptists, Classic Trinitarianism, and the Christian Tradition

4. Baptists, Classic Christology, and the Christian Tradition

5. Baptists, Classic Ecclesiology, and the Christian Tradition

6. Baptists, Classic Interpretation, and the Christian Tradition

7. Baptists, Corporate Worship, and the Christian Tradition

8. Baptists, Baptism, and the Christian Tradition

9. Baptists, the Lord’s Supper, and the Christian Tradition

10. Baptists, Classic Spirituality, and the Christian Tradition

11. Baptists, Denominational Structures, and the Christian Tradition

12. Southern Baptists, Evangelicalism, and the Christian Tradition

13. Baptists, Global Christianity, and the Christian Tradition

14. Racial Tension, the Baptist Tradition, and Christian Unity

15. Baptist Contributions to the Christian Tradition

16. Conclusion: Toward an Evangelical Baptist Catholicity

APPENDIX: Baptists, Bapto-Catholic Baptists, and the Christian Tradition

Name and Subject Index

Editors and Contributors


B&H Broadman and Holman

SBC Southern Baptist Convention

JSNTSS Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series

SPCK Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge

IVP InterVarsity Press

NPNF Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers

ANF Ante-Nicene Fathers

AH Against Heresies

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

S&T Sword and Trowel

PRSt Perspectives in Religious Studies

NAC New American Commentary

SJT Scottish Journal of Theology

ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

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About Baptists and the Christian Tradition: Toward an Evangelical Baptist Catholicity

In Baptists and the Christian Tradition, editors Matthew Emerson, Christopher Morgan and Lucas Stamps compile a series of essays advocating "Baptist catholicity." This approach presupposes a critical, but charitable, engagement with the whole church, both past and present, along with the desire to move beyond the false polarities of an Enlightenment-based individualism on the one hand and a pastiche of postmodern relativism on the other.

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Table of Contents