Sensible Shoes

A Story about the Spiritual Journey

Sharon Garlough Brown

InterVarsity Press
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© 2013 by Sharon Garlough Brown

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Psalm 84:5-7 is from the 2011 NIV, Psalm 23 is from the KJV; all other Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The poem at the beginning of chapter 9 is used with permission. Jim Cotter, Psalms for a Pilgrim People, Morehouse Publishing, 1998,

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ISBN 978-0-8308-6453-9

To the ones who have walked with me

And to the Holy Spirit, gentle revealer and faithful guide

With deep love and gratitude


1: Invitation to a Journey

2: The Pilgrimage Begins

3: Exploring the Heart of God

4: Learning to Linger

5: Come and See

6: Hiding and Seeking

7: Walking Attentively

8: Intimacy and Encounter

9: Found at the Crossroads

10: Deeper into the Wilderness

11: Lightening the Load

12: Walking Together in the Love of God



Discussion Guide


About the Author


Invitation to a Journey

Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16



Meg, 1967

A solitary little girl in a gray wool coat and red knit cap flitted through the snow, searching for a glimmer of gold. Someone had given the jingle bells to Mama for Christmas, and Mama had smiled when she hung them on the front door. So when the wind snatched the bells and spirited them away, five-year-old Meg was determined to find them and make Mama happy again.

Meg hummed as she searched around bushes in the yard. She loved hide-and-seek. She wished ...

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About Sensible Shoes: A Story about the Spiritual Journey

Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

Four Strangers, One Retreat Center, A Story of Transformation

Sharon Garlough Brown tells the moving story of four strangers as they embark together on a journey of spiritual formation:

Hannah, a pastor who doesn't realize how exhausted she is.

Meg, a widow and recent empty-nester who is haunted by her past.

Mara, a woman who has experienced a lifetime of rejection and is now trying to navigate a difficult marriage.

Charissa, a hard-working graduate student who wants to get things right.

You're invited to join these four women as they reluctantly arrive at a retreat center and find themselves drawn out of their separate stories of isolation and struggle and into a collective journey of spiritual practice, mutual support and personal revelation.

Along the way, readers will find:

• Key spiritual practices that they can take into their own lives,

• A cast of characters that any reader can find themselves in, and

• Tangible support for the deeper life with God.

If you want to travel this journey with others, you will find a group study guide and book club resources at

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Table of Contents