Queen of the Dark Chamber
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© 1953 edition by

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ISBN: 978-0-8024-9169-5

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Dedicated to my loving godmother MISS MARY A. LEAMAN who led me to the road of peace along which we have walked together for over forty-five years


I want you to know you are never forgotten,

The Saviour is with you, He sees all your grief;

Remember, He cares, He will never forsake you,

And soon He is coming to bring you relief.

I think of you daily and pray for you always,

How often I see you in darkness and pain;

But tho’ you must suffer, His grace is sufficient,

And some day with Jesus forever you’ll reign.

The Lord will be with you, dear Queen of the darkness,

And all of earth’s shadows will soon pass away;

For you have been faithful and many in Heaven

Will praise you for turning their darkness to day.

Your book has brought blessing, it makes me unworthy,

For you have accomplished so much by His grace;

Some day you will step from your chamber of darkness,

For Jesus remembers; you’ll see His dear face.

With Christian affection, my sister from China,

I send you this message—your pray’rs He will hear;

I want you to know that God’s mercy is o’er you,—

Forgotten? no, never! your Saviour is near.


To Christiana Tsai,

Queen of the Dark Chamber.

I have seen the vision

And for self I cannot live;

Life is less than worthless

Till my all I give.

                              —O. J. S.

A Personal Recommendation

Because the Spirit of God breathes through its pages I am glad to commend Queen of the Dark Chamber to Christian readers everywhere.

It witnesses to the adequacy of Christ in these crucial times. It emits the fragrance of faith in a world so polluted with the stench of sin. It demonstrates unmistakably that faith in Christ triumphs over every vicissitude and unfavorable circumstance of life. The blight of disease, the pangs of persecution, and the darkness of illiteracy flee before His power as darkness flees from the radiance of the noonday sun.

The author has made us feel the heartbeat of a nation and has done much to interpret the sufficiency of Christ to a great and needy people. In her furnace of affliction Miss Tsai has discovered the secret of spiritual refining. In her dark chamber of infirmity she has found the Light of the World.

May her testimony, her work, and her challenge as presented in this book enjoy wide reading ...

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About Queen of the Dark Chamber

It is a time of heavy persecution in China. Christiana Tsai becomes a follower of Christ. An autobiography, Queen of the Dark Chamber exposes Christiana’s severe suffering because of her conversion. Through her, however, the light and life of the gospel and the glory of Christ is revealed. Step into her life and taste the bitterness of sin around her and the brilliant sweetness of Christ’s light in the midst of trial.

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