The Hope in Our Scars is at once searing, honest, and encouraging. Aimee Byrd pulls no punches when it comes to the failings of the church, both corporately and individually, showing how often it has wounded and marred the very people it should nurture, leaving them scarred. And yet in the midst of that searing honesty, there is radiant hope, for she always sees the church, and ourselves within it, as also and always the beloved bride of Christ, who has forever wedded his story to ours, and by whose wounds our wounds are healed. In an age when so many are turning away disillusioned or deconstructing their faith, The Hope in Our Scars offers a recovery of vision and confidence; a call to tell and retell our own stories as honestly as possible and so renew our intimacy with Christ and one another.

—MALCOLM GUITE, poet, priest, life fellow of Girton College Cambridge

This is a book for the bruised ones, for the smoldering wicks, for the disillusioned. With clarity and grace, Aimee Byrd shows that there can be beauty even in the midst of brokenness and that the true church of Christ is a place of healing, restoration, and hope. A beautiful testimony of compassion and resilience.

—KRISTIN KOBES DU MEZ, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus and John Wayne

Aimee’s newest book strains toward hope and beauty even as she honestly acknowledges the pain and perils of navigating today’s fraught ecclesial landscape. Once again, she offers compelling new thoughts, but it’s her vulnerability that draws me in and inspires me to keep my heart open and hopeful, not least because of the one whose scars paved the resurrection path.

—CHUCK DEGROAT, author of When Narcissism Comes to Church and professor of pastoral care and executive director of the Clinical Counseling Program at Western Theological Seminary

What a gift this book is! The beauty of Aimee’s faith shines through the ugliness of her story—reminding us why the church is still worth fighting for and giving us the wisdom we need to keep fighting for it. You will want this book for your friends, family, and church. But most of all, you will want it for yourself.

—BETH ALLISON BARR, James Vardaman Professor of History at Baylor University

Aimee Byrd is an epic storyteller, and she tell us a story, her story, many people’s story. It’s a story of affliction, disappointment, despair, and shame—and how to grow closer to God out of it. Aimee testifies to how God is faithful even when the people who claim to speak for God are evidently not. Replete with scriptural reflections and her own personal experiences, Aimee shows readers that our spiritual and emotional scars are painful memories etched into our skin, but those scars can also be signs of healing and getting stronger.

—MICHAEL F. BIRD, deputy principal at Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia

Giving voice to the questions many hurting people are asking, Byrd ultimately directs our eyes to the answer, the one to whom the church belongs, Christ himself. As ...

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About The Hope in Our Scars: Finding the Bride of Christ in the Underground of Disillusionment

Aimee Byrd peels back the church's underlying and pervasive theology of power to face the shame that lurks there and find the lasting hope of belonging in Christ.

Some things happening in the church these days should provoke our anger. It's racked with scandals of fraud, abuse, cover-up. It's embroiled in racism, misogyny, marginalization, and hatred. The truth is that we have to fight to love Christ's church. Many of us are left wondering what kind of hope can the church offer if its leaders will not care for its wounds, admit their complicity, and move toward true reconciliation with God's people.

From the author of Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood comes a passionate plea to work through our disillusionment with the church and rediscover what's true and beautiful about our covenantal union with Christ.

Having tread her own path of disillusionment, Aimee Byrd invites us to see Christ among the chaos so apparent in his church. Along the way, Aimee guides us through deeply theological and personal reflections on how we can:

• Cultivate healthier forms of trust by recognizing power structures at work.

• Understand the limits of authority, and free ourselves from tribes and celebrity culture.

• Take appropriate social risks by speaking up when we're uncomfortable.

• Rediscover how our stories matter to God.


This book is written to those who have been wounded by the church. To those who have suffered abuse at the hands of church leaders and are left with deep scars. To those who are disillusioned or deconstructing their faith, The Hope in Our Scars offers a way forward with a God who walks with us in our affliction and wants to make it into something beautiful.

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