A Dictionary
New Testament
James Swanson
Copyright © 1997, Logos Research Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Second edition, 2001
Table of Abbreviations
† Not found in BHS in this exact inflected form
+ More references in BHS
* Following a Louw-Nida number, pops up domain/sub-domain titles
2xs, 3xs, etc. The word defined occurs n times in a particular Bible verse
General Abbreviations
ANE Ancient Near East
BA Biblical Aramaic
BH Biblical Hebrew
GNT Greek New Testament
ca. circa, about
cj. conjecture
coll. collective
comm. commentaries
EB English Bible versification
ident identify
interp interpretation
lit literature
MS manuscript
MSS manuscripts
MT Masoretic Text
oth. others, other sources
passim here and there (scattered about)
poss. possibly
q.v. quod vide, which see
sic “intentionally so written”
terr. territory
v.r. variant reading in a manuscript
w/o without
Parts of Speech and Semantic Functions
1cp. first person, common, plural
1cs. first person, common, singular
1p. first person
2mp. second person, masculine, plural
2ms. second person, masculine, singular
3fp. third person, feminine, plural
3fs. third person, feminine, singular
3mp. third person, masculine, plural
3ms. third person, masculine, singular
3p. third person
3pl. third person, plural
abs. absolute
acc. accusative (the case of the direct object)
act. active
adj. adjective, or adjectival
adv. adverb, or adverbially
alt. alternate
aor1 first aorist
aor2 second aorist
c. conjunction
cs. construct
dat. dative
dep. deponent (middle or passive form, with active meaning)
dep.mid. middle in form, deponent in meaning
dep.pass. passive in form, deponent in meaning
det. determinative, or determination
diff. difference
ety. etymology, etymological(ly)
fem. feminine
ftn. footnote
gent. gentilic
ident. identify
impf. imperfect
impv. imperative
imv. imperative
ind. indicative
indecl. undeclinable
indef. indefinite
inf. infinitive
inj. interjection
interp. interpretation
interrog. interrogative
intrans. intransitive
l.f. Lexical Form
loc. locative, i.e., in a location
masc. masculine
masc.pl. masculine plural
masc.sing. masculine singular
mid. middle (usually showing personal engagement)
n. noun, or nouns
neu. neuter
nom. nominative
num. numeric
obj. objective
opt. optative
pass. passive
pers personal/person
pf. perfect
pf2 second perfect
pl. plural
plupf. pluperfect
poss. possessive
pr. proper (i.e., not common, but very limited in scope)
prep. preposition
pres. present
prn. pronoun
pt. particle
ptcp. participle
ref reference
rel. relative
sing. singular
subj. subjective
subjnct. subjunctive
subst. substantival
suff. suffix
super. superlative
undecl. undeclinable
vb. verb
About Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament)This Greek volume of the Dictionary of Biblical Languages (DBL) provides a comprehensive resource for the student of Biblical Greek. The text is ordered by GK (Goodrick-Kohlenberger) numbers, but virtually every article contains references to Strong's numbers as well. Links to the Louw-Nida Lexicon (also available for the Libronix Digital Library System) abound. Information on semantic domains is a mouse-click away. In essence, this Greek volume of the DBL is a centralized source of information about Biblical Greek, with numerous links to other resources for comparison. |
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