A Study Guide for Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings

Edited by

Timothy F. Lull

Second Edition, with CD-ROM

Edited by

William R. Russell


The Life of Martin Luther: A Chronology

Short Guide to Writing Research Papers in History of Christianity

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The Life of Martin Luther: A Chronology

Childhood and Early Education (1483–1505)

1483 Born to Hans and Margaret Luther in Eisleben, where his father is a copper smeltermaster

1484 The family moves to Mansfeld; Luther first attends school there in 1492

1497 Sent away to school in Magdeburg at age thirteen

1498 Transfers to St. George’s School in Eisenach; lives in the home of Ursula Cotta

1501 Enters University of Erfurt to study liberal arts

1502 Is awarded baccalaureate degree with class rank of thirteen out of fifty-seven students

1505 Completes work in trivium and quadrivium for master’s degree; ranks two out of seventeen

July 2: caught in thunderstorm in Stotternheim, shortly after beginning study of law; makes vow

Monastic Period (1505–12)

1505 July 17: joins the Reformed Congregation of Augustinian Hermits in Erfurt

1506 After the probationary period as a novice, takes his monastic vows in September

1507 Is ordained as a priest and celebrates his first mass on May 2; more study of theology

1508 At age twenty-five is sent to the University of Wittenberg to lecture on moral philosophy

1509 Wittenberg awards him the Biblical Baccalaureate and Erfurt the Master of the Sentences degree

1510 Makes forty-day journey to Rome to help settle a dispute between two branches of his Order

1511 Transfers to the Augustinian cloister in Wittenberg and continues his studies

University Professor (1512–17)

1512 Earns his doctorate of theology from Wittenberg and joins the theological faculty at age twenty-eight

1513 Lectures at the university on the Psalms

1515 Lectures on Paul’s letter to the Romans

1516 Lectures on Paul’s letter to the Galatians

The Appeals for Church Reform (1517–21)

1517 September 4: disputation against Scholastic Theology—critique of synergistic theology

October 31: posts the “Ninety-five Theses against Indulgences” and sends copy to Archbishop Albrecht

1518 April: defends his theology at plenary meeting of the Augustinian Order in Heidelberg

August: publishes “Explanation of the Ninety-five Theses”; charged with heresy by the Archbishop

October: is summoned to Augsburg for interrogation by Cardinal Cajetan

1519 June–July: Leipzig Debate—Luther and Karlstadt versus Dominican theologian Johannes Eck

October: coronation of new emperor, Charles V, a lifelong opponent of Luther

1520 June 24: papal bullExsurge Domine” gives Luther sixty days to recant or be excommunicated

August: “Appeal to the German Nobility” reform proposals and critique of hierarchical polity

October: “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church,” a critique of Catholic view of sacraments

November: “The Freedom of a Christian” explanation of relation of grace, faith, and good works

December: ...

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