Christian Dogmatics
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Christian Dogmatics


Francis Pieper, D. D.

Copyright 1950, 1951, 1953 by

Concordia Publishing House

Saint Louis, Missouri

Volume I


“His lifework was the Christliche Dogmatik, a monumental work in three volumes, setting forth the doctrines of Christianity as taught in the Lutheran Church.… In the clarity of his style and cogency of argumentation there has not been the equal of Dr. Pieper in the Lutheran Church in America. His literary ability, his eloquence, his deep personal piety, and his endearing traits of humility among his associates and charity towards the erring combined to make him a character rare in the history of a Church which has produced so many noble characters.” So read the obituary which announced the death on June 3, 1931, of the eminent churchman who had been the theological leader of the Missouri Synod for upward of four decades.

Called to a professorship at Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, in 1878, Francis Pieper succeeded Dr. C. F. W. Walther as president of the institution in 1887. The outstanding gifts with which he was endowed led to his prompt recognition as the chief dogmatician of the Synod as well as to the presidency of the general body from 1899 to 1911. Through the years the work of training young men for the Gospel ministry was ever the prime area of his labors. To demonstrate how the whole inspired Word comes to its ultimate focus in the revelation of God’s grace in Christ Jesus was his unfailing delight. How that perception of divine mercy dominated his thinking and teaching is plainly to be seen also in this dogmatics, with its constant, loving reiteration of the truths of universal grace, the vicarious satisfaction, and justification through faith alone.

As the four-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation approached, Dr. Pieper, now relieved of the arduous duties of the synodical presidency, found opportunity to devote himself to preparation of a Christian dogmatics. It was designed to be an expression of thanksgiving for the Lord’s merciful kindness in preserving the full truth of His Word to the Synod Pieper loved so dearly and served so notably. Since the first volume was to appear in the quadricentennial year, the author chose to offer first the loci that are the very heart of Scripture’s message and were the fundamentals of Luther’s glorious testimony: the grace of God in Christ, Christ’s person and work, saving faith, conversion, and justification by faith. This volume, issued in 1917, became the second of the whole work. Volume III, treating sanctification, preservation, the means of grace, the Church, the ministry, the election of grace, and eschatology, followed in 1920. With the publication of Volume I, embracing the loci on the nature of theology, Holy Scripture, God, creation, divine providence, angels, and man (anthropologia), the project was brought to completion in 1924.

The Dogmatik was at once hailed as a masterwork. The Theological Monthly commented: “His work will go down ...

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About Christian Dogmatics

A translation of Christliche Dogmatik with an index arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference. This set includes three volumes plus a comprehensive index. Translated by Engelder, Mueller & Albrecht.

· Volume 1 addresses the nature and character of theology, Holy Scripture, the doctrine of God, creation, divine providence, angelology, the doctrine of man, sin and evil, and more.

· Volume 2 addresses the saving grace of God; the doctrine of Christ, including His deity, humanity, attributes, humiliation, exaltation, and offices; and the application of salvation, including saving faith, conversion, and justification by faith.

· Volume 3 addresses sanctification, good works, the Christian life, the means of grace, Law and Gospel, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the Christian church, the public ministry, eternal election, and eschatology.

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