Matthew 1–13


General Editors

David A. Hubbard

Glenn W. Barker

Old Testament Editor

John D. W. Watts

New Testament Editor

Ralph P. Martin


Word Biblical Commentary

Matthew 1–13

Copyright © 1993 by Word, Incorporated

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Main entry under title:

Word biblical commentary.

Includes bibliographies.

1. Bible—Commentaries—Collected works.

BS491.2.W67 220.7´7 81-71768

ISBN 0-8499-0232-0 (v. 33A) AACR2

The author’s own translation of the Scripture text appears in italic type under the heading Translation.

To Beverly

Table of Contents

Editorial Preface

Author’s Preface


Commentary Bibliography

General Bibliography


About the Present Commentary

The Papias Tradition concerning Matthew

Matthew’s Sources

Oral Tradition in the Gospel of Matthew

The Structure of Matthew

Matthew’s Use of the Old Testament

The Genre and Purpose of Matthew

Matthew’s Theology

The Original Readers of Matthew

The Sitz Im Leben (“Life Setting”) of Matthew’s Community

On Matthew’s “Anti-judaism”

Date and Provenance



The Birth and Infancy Narratives (1:1–2:23)

The Ancestry of Jesus (1:1–17)

The Birth and Naming of Jesus (1:18–25)

The Magi Worship the Newborn King (2:1–12)

The Massacre of the Innocents and the Flight to Egypt (2:13–23)

The Preparation for the Ministry (3:1–4:11)

John the Baptist (3:1–12)

The Baptism of Jesus (3:13–17)

The Temptation of Jesus (4:1–11)

Galilean Ministry (4:12–25)

Jesus Begins His Ministry in Galilee (4:12–17)

The Calling of the Disciples (4:18–22)

The Ministry of Jesus Encapsulated (4:23–25)

The First Discourse: The Sermon on the Mount (5:1–7:29)

The Setting of the Sermon (5:1–2)

Introduction (5:3–16)

The Foundation of Righteous Living: The Beatitudes (5:3–12)

The Essence of Discipleship: Salt and Light (5:13–16)

The Main Body of the Sermon (5:17–7:12)

The Relation between the Old and the New Righteousness (5:17–48)

Continuity with the Old (5:17–20)

The Surpassing of the Old: The Six Antitheses (5:21–48)

On Murder (5:21–26)

On Adultery (5:27–30)

On Divorce (5:31–32)

On Oaths (5:33–37)

On Retaliation (5:38–42)

On Loving One’s Enemies (5:43–48)

Outward vs. Inward Righteousness (6:1–18)

Almsgiving (6:1–4)

Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (6:5–15)

The Setting of Prayer (6:5–6)

On the Right Way to Pray: “The Lord’s Prayer” (6:7–15)

Fasting (6:16–18)

Dependence upon God (6:19–34)

Serving God Rather Than Wealth (6:19–24)

The Disciple and Anxiety (6:25–34)

Various Teachings and the Golden Rule (7:1–12)

On Not Judging Others (7:1–5)

Discernment in Proclaiming the Gospel (7:6)

The Answering Father (7:7–11)

The Golden Rule (7:12)

Conclusion (7:13–27)

The Two Ways (7:13–14)

The False and the Genuine (7:15–23)

Warning concerning False Prophets (7:15–20)

The Insufficiency ...

Content not shown in limited preview…
WBC Vol. 33A

About Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 33A: Matthew 1–13

One of the most detailed and thorough treatments of Matthew ever written, Donald Hagner’s commentary addresses the relationship of Matthew to Luke and Mark, examines the major issues for interpreting Matthew, and provides an fresh translation based on engagement with the book’s textual history. Focusing on interpretation and message of Jesus’ kingdom, Hagner draws out illuminating theological themes, applying them to contemporary life.

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Table of Contents