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David Guzik’s Commentaries on the Bible


David Guzik

David Guzik

Santa Barbara, CA


© 2013 David Guzik

No distribution beyond personal use without permission


The Greatness of Jesus Christ (Colossians 1)

A. Greeting and Giving of Thanks (1:1–8)

1. Paul Greets the Christians in Colosse (1–2)

2. Paul’s Habit of Prayer for the Colossians (3)

3. Why Paul Was Thankful (4–8)

B. How Paul Prayed for the Colossian Christians (1:9–23)

1. Paul Petitions God on Behalf of the Colossians (9–11)

2. Paul’s Specific thanks to the Father (12–14)

3. Paul’s Meditation on the Person and Work of Jesus (15–20)

4. How the Greatness of Jesus’ Work Touches the Lives of the Colossians (21–23)

C. What Paul Did for the Colossians (1:24–29)

1. Paul Suffers for Their Sake (24)

2. Paul Is a Servant of the Church, Revealing the Mystery of God that Was Once Hidden (25–26)

3. Part of the Mystery: That Jesus Would Actually Indwell Believers (27)

4. Paul’s Motto for Apostolic Ministry (28–29)

Answering the Colossian Heresy (Colossians 2)

A. Paul’s Conflict (2:1–7)

1. The Depth of Paul’s Conflict for the Colossians and Others (1)

2. Paul’s Specific Concerns and Goals in the Spiritual Conflict (2–3)

3. Paul’s Earnest Warning (4)

4. Paul’s Confidence in Their Present Standing (5–7)

B. Paul Warns against and Exposes the Colossian Heresy (2:8–23)

1. A Warning: Don’t Be Cheated by Philosophies and Traditions (8)

2. The Completeness of Jesus and Our Connection with Him Shows Other Philosophies and Traditions Are Unnecessary (9–10)

3. The Work of Jesus in His People through Spiritual Circumcision and Illustrated by Baptism (11–12)

4. The Work of Jesus in His People through His Work on the Cross (13–15)

5. Applying the Truth of Jesus’ Victory in Light of the Colossian Heresy (16–17)

6. Paul Rebukes the Strange Mysticism of the Colossian Heresy (18–19)

7. Paul Rebukes the Essence of Legalism (20–23)

Put off, Put on (Colossians 3)

A. Put off the Old Man (3:1–9)

1. The Basis for Paul’s Practical Instruction (1–4)

2. Put to Death the Things that Are against God and Part of This World (5–7)

3. Removing Other Traces of Worldliness (8–9)

B. Put on the New Man (3:10–4:1)

1. As We Put off the Old Man, We Must Put on the New Man (10–11)

2. Life of the New Man (12–17)

3. The New Man’s Marriage Relationship (18–19)

4. The New Man’s Parent and Child Relationship (20–21)

5. The New Man’s Servant and Master Relationship (3:22–4:1)

Prayer Life, Personal Witness, and Final Greetings (Colossians 4)

A. The Inner Life of Prayer and the Outer Life of Witness (4:2–6)

1. The Inner Life of Prayer (2–4)

2. The Outer Life of Witness (5–6)

B. Personal Notes Concluding the Letter (4:7–18)

1. Regarding Tychicus and Onesimus, Messengers of the Letter (7–9)

2. Greetings from Three of Paul’s Faithful Jewish Friends (10–11)

3. Greetings from Epaphras (12–13)

4. Greetings from Luke and Demas (14)

5. Greeting to Nymphas and the Laodiceans (15)

6. Instructions for Spreading the Message in This Letter (16)


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About Colossians

Based on the NKJV, David Guzik’s commentary on Colossians assumes the full trustworthiness and authority of Scripture, combining insights from scholars throughout the ages. Guzik provides clear exposition, designed to help Bible readers understand what the text says, and what it means. Calvary Chapel pastor Guzik forgoes formality and dives straight into the text—no lengthy introductions or extensive footnotes. Packed with helpful insights and context, the commentary examines the English text of the biblical book with limited reference to original languages, making it an ideal tool for lay people or anyone without language training.

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