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Speaking of Jesus

Speaking of Jesus is a beautifully framed rethink on what it means to champion Jesus. In the most readable and practical fashion, Carl gives thoughtful answers for engaging the world, but more importantly, you’ll find a compass by which you can faithfully follow Jesus and help others find Him ... anywhere in the world.”

Hugh Halter, author of The Tangible Kingdom and Sacrilege

“You may not agree with everything in this book. I don’t. But you will be moved by it as I was. Carl’s Jesus is an irresistibly compelling figure, and Carl’s way of speaking of Jesus is immensely attractive.”

Miroslav Volf, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School, founding director of Yale Center for Faith and Culture, and author of Allah: A Christian Response

“Is your life driven more by Christian culture or following Jesus? How sure are you of your answer? In Speaking of Jesus, Carl Medearis takes a thought-provoking and compelling look at the difference and the tragic consequences to the Jesus movement locally and globally if we get it wrong. Read every word if you care most about fully living the adventure Jesus intended when He first asked you to follow Him.”

Jim Mellado, president of Willow Creek Association

“Provocative, engaging, and practical, Speaking of Jesus is a clear and compelling call to rethink the traditional approach to pointing people to Christ. Carl Medearis outlines a refreshing evangelism paradigm shift relevant for today’s culture.”

Garry Poole, evangelism consultant and author of Seeker Small Groups

Speaking of Jesus is a poignant and provocative message for all Christians of all persuasions. What the world needs now is not more Christians, but people who think and talk and act like Jesus. Carl’s message is a prophetic reminder that Jesus did not come into the world to found the Christian religion but to embrace people from every tribe and type in the Father’s love. Speaking of Jesus is the most relevant and powerful expression of the gospel I have read.”

Ron Nikkel, president of Prison Fellowship International

“You don’t have to be dishonest about who you are to share who Jesus is. The gospel message must be born in truth just as Jesus was. If people would take what Carl writes seriously, it would radically change how we talk about Jesus and how others see Him. You don’t have to agree with Carl—but if you fail to wrestle with the questions he raises, you will not be effective in your speaking of Jesus.”

Bob Roberts Jr., senior pastor of NorthWood Church, global strategist, speaker, and author of Real-Time Connections

“With every page of this book I breathed a sigh of relief. Carl reminds me that it’s when I am speaking of Jesus that I am sharing the good news of my salvation, and this is not a rescue that religion has to offer.”

Sarah Macintosh, singer/songwriter, formerly of Chasing Furies

“One of the great questions of our time is whether faith is going to be a ...

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About Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not-Evangelism

Some of us fear moments when we need to defend our theology. Some of us seek them out. But we are seldom ready the way Jesus seemed to be ready. So how do we draw others to God in the midst of these ordinary conversations the way Jesus did?

In Speaking of Jesus, Carl Medearis draws on his experience of international reconciliation between Muslims and Christians to remind us of the heart of the matter: Jesus. Here he gives us tools, stories, and the foundation we need to move beyond “us” and “them” and simply talk about the One who changes it all.

As Carl writes, “While others are explaining and defending various isms and ologies we’re simply pointing people to our friend. The one who uncovers and disarms. Who leads people right to himself. The beginning and the end of the story. A good story indeed.”

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