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Rearview: A 7 Hours Novella

Copyright © 2012 by Michael William Dellosso. All rights reserved.

Cover photograph copyright © Maximilian Zimmermann, Germany/Getty Images. All rights reserved.

Designed by Dean H. Renninger

Edited by Kathryn S. Olson

Published in association with the literary agency of Les Stobbe, 300 Doubleday Road, Tryon, NC 28782.

Rearview is a work of fiction. Where real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales appear, they are used fictitiously. All other elements of the novel are drawn from the author's imagination.

ISBN 978-1-4143-7480-2 (Apple); ISBN 978-1-4143-7481-9 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-4143-7482-6 (Mobi)

For Jen and our girls . . .

You’re reason enough to get up every day.


This is one of my favorite parts of every book because it’s a chance to recognize all the folks who have played a part in the making of this story and who never receive any recognition for it.

First, all thanks go to my God and Savior, Jesus. Without him none of this would be possible. I would be living an empty life full of self-fulfilling endeavors and getting nowhere.

Thanks to my wife, Jen, and our four daughters, for giving me such joy and making our home a happy place to be.

Thanks to Kathy Olson and the rest of the team at Tyndale for their work on making this story the best it could be. All accolades go to them; eggs and tomatoes should be aimed at me.

Thanks to my agent, Les Stobbe, for his guidance and leadership.

Thanks to James Wilson for getting a team of authors together with this crazy idea for a project called 7 Hours. And to my fellow writers on the journey: Rene Gutteridge, Ronie Kendig, Tom Pawlik, Robin Parrish, Travis Thrasher, and James.

Thanks to my readers, who make what I do thrilling and suspenseful every time!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

A Note from the Author

About the Author


The alarm sounded the same time it did every morning, pulling Dan Blakely from London’s nineteenth century industrial district. The steady beeping gradually grew louder, like an approaching train in the middle of the night, rousing the residents of a small rural town from their sleep, until he reached over and groped for the Off button.

7 a.m.

Lying on his back, he shut his eyes and almost drifted back to the squalid orphanages and workhouses that so often populated his dreams, but he had to stay awake, had to get up, shower, dress, grab some breakfast. The day awaited him and he had office hours at eight, then his first class, English lit, at nine. All fifteen students would be waiting anxiously for him to convey some deep meaning about ...

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About Rearview

In each installment of 7 Hours, a character is visited by the enigmatic Thomas Constant, who makes a heart-stopping statement: “You are about to die. But you may choose from one of three options: Live seven more hours, travel back in time and relive seven hours, or accept the inevitable and die now.”

Professor Dan Blakely has it all . . . until a false accusation leaves him in financial ruin with nothing to fall back on and little hope.

In a moment of desperation, he decides to do the unthinkable. But when he loses control of his SUV and careens down the side of a mountain, his plans take another turn.

Trapped beneath the frame of his mangled vehicle, Dan is visited by a mysterious stranger who offers him three choices. Filled with regret, Dan makes a decision . . . but little does he know that his troubles have only just begun.

The clock is ticking. What will you do with the time you have left?

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Table of Contents