The New King James Version
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The Ascension

Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9

49 s“Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city 4of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”

50 And He led them out tas far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. 51 uNow it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. 52 vAnd they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, 53 and were continually win the temple 5praising and blessing God. 6Amen.


About The New King James Version

The New King James Version is a total update of the 1611 King James Version, also known as the "Authorized Version." Every attempt has been made to maintain the beauty of the original version while updating the English grammar to contemporary style and usage. The result is much better "readability." It is noteworthy that the NKJV is one of the few modern translations still based on the "Western" or "Byzantine" manuscript tradition. This makes the New King James Version an invaluable aid to comparative English Bible study.

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