
An Exposition of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

John MacEvilly’s exposition of the gospels of Matthew and Mark offers a clear, Catholic passage-by-passage interpretation of the text. It combines traditional exegesis with moral exhortation and so has been widely used as a daily devotional. The work was originally intended for laymen, but quickly found a place as a textbook in seminary education and has seen numerous editions.

14. “And when He was come to the multitude,” &c. St. Luke (9:37) says, this happened “the following day when they had come down from the mountain.” On the day after the Transfiguration—our Redeemer having most likely devoted the night to prayer on the mountain—when they came down from the mountain, He saw a great crowd about His disciples, whom He left at the foot of the mountain, among the rest, “the Scribes disputing with them” (Mark 9:13). The subject about which the Scribes, or those learned
Matthew 17:14