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Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether, the ESV Study Bible Notes combined with the ESV Bible text, comprises 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material—equivalent to...

1:4–16 Jonah and the Pagan Sailors. This episode highlights Jonah’s encounter with pagan sailors and raises the question, Who fears the Lord—Jonah or the pagans? The key repeated word is “fear”: at the beginning and end the sailors “fear” (vv. 5, 16); in the middle Jonah claims to “fear” the Lord (v. 9) while the sailors actually fear (v. 10a). 1:4–5 Hurled is used four times in this episode (vv. 4, 5, 12, 15). Just as God hurled the great wind, the sailors hurled the cargo. cried out. The sailors
Jonah 1:4–16