
An Exposition of the Gospel of St. John is unavailable, but you can change that!

John MacEvilly’s exposition of the gospel of John offers a clear, Catholic, passage-by-passage interpretation of the text. It combines traditional exegesis with moral exhortation and so has been widely used as a daily devotional. The work was originally intended for laymen, but quickly found a place as a textbook in seminary education and has seen numerous editions.

This chapter commences with an account of our Lord’s entrance into the Garden of Gethsemane, where His Sacred Passion commenced—the approach of the traitor, Judas, with an armed band of soldiers sent to apprehend Him. The display of our Lord’s power in prostrating them on the ground on their declaring their errand (1–7). He commands Peter to desist from any attempt at defending Him, as He had ample means of defence, at His command, if necessary (7–11). He is brought bound to Annas
John 18