The New Revised Standard Version
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The Marvels of Nature

13 By his command he sends the driving snow

and speeds the lightnings of his judgment.

14 Therefore the storehouses are opened,

and the clouds fly out like birds.

15 In his majesty he gives the clouds their strength,

and the hailstones are broken in pieces.

17a The voice of his thunder rebukes the earth;

16 when he appears, the mountains shake.

At his will the south wind blows;

17b so do the storm from the north and the whirlwind.

He scatters the snow like birds flying down,

and its descent is like locusts alighting.

18 The eye is dazzled by the beauty of its whiteness,

and the mind is amazed as it falls.

19 He pours frost over the earth like salt,

and icicles form like pointed thorns.

20 The cold north wind blows,

and ice freezes on the water;

it settles on every pool of water,

and the water puts it on like a breastplate.

21 He consumes the mountains and burns up the wilderness,

and withers the tender grass like fire.

22 A mist quickly heals all things;

the falling dew gives refreshment from the heat.

23 By his plan he stilled the deep

and planted islands in it.

24 Those who sail the sea tell of its dangers,

and we marvel at what we hear.

25 In it are strange and marvelous creatures,

all kinds of living things, and huge sea-monsters.

26 Because of him each of his messengers succeeds,

and by his word all things hold together.

27 We could say more but could never say enough;

let the final word be: “He is the all.”

28 Where can we find the strength to praise him?

For he is greater than all his works.

29 Awesome is the Lord and very great,

and marvelous is his power.

30 Glorify the Lord and exalt him as much as you can,

for he surpasses even that.

When you exalt him, summon all your strength,

and do not grow weary, for you cannot praise him enough.

31 Who has seen him and can describe him?

Or who can extol him as he is?

32 Many things greater than these lie hidden,

for Id have seen but few of his works.

33 For the Lord has made all things,

and to the godly he has given wisdom.


About The New Revised Standard Version

The original Revised Standard Version served as a standard for nearly forty years. The New Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha maintains the traditions of the older version with fresh new vocabulary and modern English construction.


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