
New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology is unavailable, but you can change that!

Unlock the significance, meaning, and nuances of words in the New Testament without having to study Hebrew or Greek! The 4-volume New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology examines and discusses the major theological terms of the Bible. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology is a basic enlargement of the German Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament....

G2991 (katēgoros), accuser; κατήγωρ G2992 (katēgōr), accuser; κατηγορέω G2989 (katēgoreō), accuse; κατηγορία G2990 (katēgoria), accusation. CL & OT katēgoros means speaking against someone, accusing. As a noun, it means “accuser”. A loanword (Arndt, 424), it entered Mishnaic Heb. as qaṭêḡôr (SB I 141) or qāṭêḡôr (Dalman), and by analogy the verb katēgoreō appears as qiṭrēg. “He that commits one transgression gets for himself one accuser” (Aboth 4:11). More especially