New Century Version
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God Will Pay Back His Enemies

94 The Lord is a God who punishes.

God, show your greatness and punish!

Rise up, Judge of the earth,

and give the proud what they deserve.

How long will the wicked be happy?

How long, Lord?

They are full of proud words;

those who do evil brag about what they have done.

Lord, they crush your people

and make your children suffer.

They kill widows and foreigners

and murder orphans.

They say, “The Lord doesn’t see;

the God of Jacob doesn’t notice.”

You stupid ones among the people, pay attention.

You fools, when will you understand?

Can’t the creator of ears hear?

Can’t the maker of eyes see?

10  Won’t the one who corrects nations punish you?

Doesn’t the teacher of people know everything?

11  The Lord knows what people think.

He knows their thoughts are just a puff of wind.

12  Lord, those you correct are happy;

you teach them from your law.

13  You give them rest from times of trouble

until a pit is dug for the wicked.

14  The Lord won’t leave his people

nor give up his children.

15  Judgment will again be fair,

and all who are honest will follow it.

16  Who will help me fight against the wicked?

Who will stand with me against those who do evil?

17  If the Lord had not helped me,

I would have died in a minute.

18  I said, “I am about to fall,”

but, Lord, your love kept me safe.

19  I was very worried,

but you comforted me and made me happy.

20  Crooked leaders cannot be your friends.

They use the law to cause suffering.

21  They join forces against people who do right

and sentence to death the innocent.

22  But the Lord is my defender;

my God is the rock of my protection.

23  God will pay them back for their sins

and will destroy them for their evil.

The Lord our God will destroy them.


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The New Century Version is one of the easiest translations of the Bible to understand. It accurately communicates the messages found in the original languages of biblical manuscripts, using the kind of terms you use every day. It uses contemporary language with down-to-earth vocabulary. The end result is a fresh, straightforward, and strong translations of God’s truth; and it is something you can connect with in your daily life. You’ll find it easier to experience God's Word as it truly is—absolutely clear, powerfully alive, and completely life-changing.


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