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Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether, the ESV Study Bible Notes combined with the ESV Bible text, comprises 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material—equivalent to...

1:2–3a The Lord Takes Vengeance on His Guilty Adversaries. The Lord is jealous with regard to his own honor and those in covenant fellowship with him. avenging. God’s holy anger is righteous and just, in defense of his word and his people. keeps wrath. God holds back the venting of his anger until an appropriate time (cf. Ps. 103:9). slow to anger (Ex. 34:6). God’s patience explains why the wicked often do not immediately receive the judgment they deserve (cf. Ezek. 33:11). great in power. The delay
Nahum 1:2–3