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Created by an outstanding team of 95 evangelical Christian scholars and teachers, the ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) presents completely new study notes, maps, illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions. Altogether, the ESV Study Bible Notes combined with the ESV Bible text, comprises 2 million words of Bible text, insightful explanation, teaching, and reference material—equivalent to...

1:15 Peace and Deliverance for Judah. This verse concludes the second major portion of the book (vv. 9–15). Nahum returns to addressing Judah. What he has foretold with regard to Nineveh, the Assyrian monarchy, and the Assyrians he now considers as good as accomplished. upon the mountains. The imagery is that of a messenger bearing the good news of the fall and devastation of Nineveh. The people first catch sight of him running along the Judean mountains (cf. Isa. 52:7). peace. Judah does not have
Nahum 1:15